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Hyunjin giggles excitedly as he opens the door and immediately greets the cute new Stay Taker with a wave and bright smile. "Hi, my names Hyunjin but call me Jinnie." He tells him in a cute childish voice. Jeongin sighs as he passes by him, butting shoulders as he enters the boy apartment. Hyunjin frowns at his rude action and he throws the door, causing it to slam loudly and startle Jeongin.

"Hey!" The older yells at Jeongin. Jeongin turns around on his heels to face the boy, expression dull. "When someone greets you, you GREET THEM BACK!" He yells the last part in a higher pitch as a tantrum was creeping up. Jeongin stuffs his hands in his jean pockets as he throws his head back to groan while rolling his eyes.

"My name is Yang Jeongin, nice to meet you." He greets him through gritted teeth while sticking his hand out for him to shake at the taller boy. Hyunjin frown immediately brightens up to a smile, a giggle, and grabbing Jeongin hand to pull the shorter boy into a tight hug. Jeongin squirms in his tight grasp as he was hating this job more and more.

Hyunjin releases Jeongin from his grasp but clings onto his arm to jump up and down in a fit of excited giggles. "We're going to have so much fun Innie! I've planned the whole day out for us while you're here and I promise to pay you extra for your time if you do what I want without being a Meanie." Hyunjin tells him in a serious tone but keeping the cute pitch as he pulls on Jeongin arm to pulls him into the kitchen.

"What are we doing in here?" Jeongin asks in a bored tone.

"I thought it'd be fun if we made cookies before the chicken and pizza I ordered get here." Hyunjin tells him as he begins looking through cabinets for the ingredients to make his eomma famous double fudge chocolate chip cookies. Jeongin does a small sigh as he lifts himself onto the counter-top to sit on while waiting for Hyunjin to get everything they'll need. He looks around the kitchen to see polaroid photos of Hyunjin and a different person on the fridge. The most interesting part was of the Little dressed in black slacks, a white baby-blue striped collared button up with the top button unbuttoned, and his hair styled back.

"Close your mouth Innie, you don't want flies flying in there." Hyunjin giggles he grabs the boy chin to close his mouth gently before patting his cheek softly as he put the last thing they need on the counter-top next to him. Jeongin finally shakes off his daze, averting his eyes from the image to get off of the counter-top to help the 'Little'.


"Tell me the truth!"

"Me and Felix have both been his Stay Takers when he first joined the site."

"How much worse can it get?"

"Well you've been covered in flour from head to toe, you're now forced to wear a pink sweater with baby blue jeans until your clothes finish washing and drying. I say the day has only gotten started."

"I have no idea how you guys survived. I hate this job, I HATE HAN JISUNG!"

With those words, Jeongin ends the call as he looks at himself in the bathroom mirror to cringe at the cutesy clothes the little gave him to wear. He looked at the time on his phone to see he still had four hours left to spend with him. He hits his forehead against the rim of the sink as he clenched onto its sides, taking in a deep breath and exhales.

"It's for the money, for the money, For. The. Money." Jeongin looks at himself in the mirror to repeat to himself before exiting the bathroom.

He finds Hyunjin all washed up in new clothes; light brown hoodie that gave him sweater paws, loose white sweatpants, and his hair no longer white but it's regular shiny black. Jeongin then realizes the food on the coffee table he sat in front of. Hyunjin was currently downing his first slice of pizza before looking up to see the younger.

"AW! You look so cute!" Hyunjin coo at the younger as Jeongin scowled at his compliment. Hyunjin pats the spot next to him as Jeongin furrows his eyebrows at him before taking small steps over to him. He sits down next to the older in a criss-cross manner, Hyunjin smiling at him as he eats his second slice of pizza. 

Hyunjin hears the oven timer ring as he drops his pizza to go check on the cookies. Jeongin stays seated eating a fried chicken before hearing a loud whimper and metal clashing against something. Worry immediately hits his chest of the little as he drops his half-eaten chicken to run into the kitchen. He finds Hyunjin with tears streaming down his face, his right-hand red, and the cookies scattered along the counter-top. Jeongin walks over to him to grab his red hand by the wrist to examine the large burn on the palm of his hand, he walks him over to the sink to turn on the sink cold water and place his hand underneath it. Hyunjin winces at the sudden contact but finds it settling. 

"Where's your first aid kit?" He asks him.

"I-its in the b-bathroom un-der the sink" He sobs out to the younger as he keeps his hand under the cold water. 

Jeongin exits and runs to the bathroom to grab the toothpaste he finds and then searching under the sink to find the first aid kit before making his way back to Jeongin. He enters the kitchen and places the kit on the countertop before taking Jeongin wrist and removing his hand from the water, shutting off the water. Hyunjin immediately begins sobbing as the pain comes back in an instance. Jeongin removes the tab off the toothpaste to squirt a good amount the older palm before moving it gently on his palm, the older wincing while tears continued to go down his cheeks. Once Jeongin spread the toothpaste all over he looked into the kit to find a loose gauze bandage to wrap around his hand to keep the area from getting infected of the little picking at it. 

"Hey? Don't cry anymore. You'll be alright." Jeongin finally speaking in a nice caring tone as he used the sleeve of his pink sweater to wipe away his tears. 

"Thank you Innie." Hyunjin sniffles as the palm of his hand still hurt but doesn't hurt as bad before Jeongin helped him in a kind manner. 

"I'll clean up the mess, you can go eat while starting the movie." Hyunjin stays in his place as he felt rude to leave the younger with his mess. Jeongin faces him once again to give him a reassuring smile, an actual smile allowed Hyunjin to leave the kitchen. 


Hyunjin finished eating his share of the food as he leaned his back against the couch while watching the Disney Movie Finding Nemo. He was thirty minutes into the film until Jeongin finally walked out of the kitchen with a plate of cookies, (he managed to salvage the ones that fell on the counter-top). Jeongin finally exited the kitchen after cleaning the kitchen and placing their washed clothes into the dryer, he was famished and a little tired. Hyunjin notices, his eyes lighting up to see him. Jeongin checks the time on his phone before taking a seat next to the older, three hours left and it was currently 5 o'clock. Jeongin begins eating the cold food, but not mining since he was starving. Jeongin sees Hyunjin out of the corner of eyes sit up to grab a cookie from the plate he set on the table. He watches his happy smile as he eats the cookie while keeping his eyes focused on the movie. 


The movie ended as soft snoring could be heard, it didn't come from just one of them; it came from both the little and the Stay Taker. The TV still on, empty cartons of food, and an empty plate. Changbin unlocks the front the door, dropping his keys in the dish and making his way into the living room to see the mess on the coffee table and the two boys sleeping next to each other.

Hyunjin head resting on Jeongin lap after he slipped downwards when sleeping sat up, Jeongin arm placed around the older torso it a snug fashion to keep him safe and warm. Changbin sighs as he goes into the kitchen to grab a trash bag and began cleaning up the mess on the coffee table while turning off the tv. After throwing the trash he took a picture of the two before throwing a blanket over them and going into the bathroom for a shower. 

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