Our billionth first day of school

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Hi my name is Caroline Baxter. I'm a sophomore in high school which means I'm 16. Here's my life sentence......I hate my life. Switching from home to home to home sucks. I'm in the foster system and it's horrible. I have a little brother, Logan who's 11. It's not fun for him either to have to switch homes. We can never maintain any friendships with any one but I'm glad I have Logan and Logan has me.

Tomorrow is our first day of school at our new foster home. The last one we were in got busted for drugs so we defiantly had to get out of there. The really sad thing about moving homes is that you never know where you can end up. Logan and I are going to be starting school a week late which sucks. I can't tell you how many times I've had to be introduced to my class by the teacher and then had to walk to my seat while everyone is staring. I've only I had one good friend my whole life and her name was Jessica or Jess as I liked to call her. We had so much fun in middle school but our friendship ended when I had to move. After my friendship with Jess ended my heart was shattered. I couldn't keep in touch with her because her parents don't let her use electronics. Her family is kind of old school. They don't even own any TV's, any computers, or even cellphones. I miss her so much and I wish I didn't have to leave her.

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