Starting fresh

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Logan and I have a social worker that takes us from home to home. Her name is Chelsea and she's rude and inconsiderate. When ever she comes to get us to take us to a new family she yells at us to hurry up and pack. We don't have much to take so it takes us about 10min if we took our time, but she makes sure it's only 5min.

As we walk up to our new home I notice that everything outside is very neat. The outside of the house is painted in a tan color and there is a door step with a chair and a table.

"I hope they are like this inside their house", I thought to myself.

Chelsea grabs our bags out of the trunk of her car. She shoves them at us and starts walking towards the door of the house. As I walk closer to the house I smell fresh fruit as if they lit a candle or had sprayed the house.

Chelsea rings the doorbell and an averaged height woman opens the door. She is wearing a white tank top with jeans. Her hair is curled and she wears light pink lipstick with natural eyeshadow.

"We'll hello! You guys must be the new children we will be looking after!" says the woman.

"Hi my name is Caroline and this is my younger brother Logan", I say as she shakes my hand and Logan's.

"It's so great to finally meet you both! My name is Veronica but you can call me Vikki for short!" she exclaims.

"Well now that you have all met I'm going to go back to my office. Call me if anything happens or you need me." says Chelsea.

"For sure! I will. Thank you!" says Veronica as Chelsea walks away.

"Well why don't you guys come in and meet the family!" she says.

Logan and I walk and and look around. The house is very well kept. The decorations and furniture are very modern but some pieces are rustic and vintage like. I see wooden stairs and I figure it is a two story house.

We see a pile of shoes by the door so we take our shoes off and set our bags down by one of the glass tables in the walkway.

Veronica yells, "Jacob, Melissa, David! Come meet Caroline and Logan!

"So theres three children." I thought to myself, "Wow. And now us?!"

A girl walks in from the kitchen and stands by her Veronica.

"Hi my name is Melissa and I'm 12!" she says excitedly.

"Hi I'm Caroline and I am 16 and this is my little brother Logan and he's 11." I say calmly.

A boy and his father walk down from the stairs and walk over to us.

"So there's only two kids." I say to myself.

"Hi guys!" The man says. "My name is David or Dave for short. I'm sorry I wasn't with Veronica to welcome you on in, I was busy upstairs doing some paperwork."

"Oh that's fine." I say. "My name is Caroline and this is my younger brother Logan"

"Very nice to meet you both!" He says. "I'm sorry to leave so fast but I have to finish up a few things upstairs. I'm sure Jake would love to tour you both around!"

"Sure that would be great!" I say.

Veronica says, "Jake be sure to show them their rooms, the bathroom, and etc. Melissa and I are going to make dinner."

"Got it." he says.

David walks back upstairs and Veronica and Melissa walk toward the kitchen.

"We'll hi I'm Jacob or Jake for short. Welcome to our home! And in case your wondering I just turned 17 last week." He says.

"We'll happy belated birthday!" I'm Caroline and I'm 16 and this is Logan and he's 11." I say.

He shakes our hands and grabs our bags.

"Oh no it's fine you don't have to carry our bags!" I say.

"I'm sure you guys are tired. It's fine it's just a few steps." He says.

We follow him up the stairs and he drops Logan's bag into a room with blue walls. There is a twin bed and a nightstand with a white lamp. Across the room is a blue dresser and white desk. The bedspread has a bunch of sports related items from footballs, soccer balls, basketballs and more. On the walls are pictures and posters of famous athletes.

"Wow this is amazing!" Logan shouts excitingly. "I love sports!"

Jake and I smile at his reaction.

"If you want while I show Caroline her room you can get settled in your room." Jake says.

"Okay cool!" Says Logan.

Jake and I walk out of his room and he walks into another room. He put my bags on my bed and I look around. The walls are white. There is a queen bed with a purple bedspread with polka dots. There is a vanity/desk with a black office chair across the room. Next to the bed were two purple nightstands with white lamps.

"This is gorgeous!" I say.

"Melissa and my mom decorated it." he says.

"They defiantly have a great sense of style!" I say.

I walk towards what looks like a balcony. I open the curtains and I look at the view. I see the ocean and the sun setting.

"Oh my goodness! What a beautiful view!" I say. "Is it always like this?"

"Only on special days here in Alaska." He replies grinning.

"You must have the best life living here!" I say.

"Yeah I am pretty lucky." he says.

I stare out of the glass for a few moments.

"So dinners going to be ready soon. Would you like me to show you and Logan around the house more?" He asks.

"Sure no problem!" I reply as we walk out of the room.

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