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"Grand pa !stop locking me in there !"I pouted like children

While I walking out grand pa approached me
"He doesn't  look like a bad guy in the end !"he said as he went laughing

"Ariel!you go first! I will catch you in a minute "


I went out to make a phone call to get everything set for those stupid lovers ....as I am really dying to finish this cool×weirdo love story

When I came back I was totally shocked

Nicholas !
Nicholas was Nicholas
What am I even saying ?
Does it make any sense ?
Anyway !
No make up
No accessories
Nth at all

I then threw him the bag I asked the Secretary for
"Five minutes if you not out I will go in!"I said warning him not to take too long

After 5 mins.
Asssssh that cockroach Doesn't hear my warning
"YAH!come up quic...!"I was stopped mid-sentence by someone glam...ours

"Huh?I look ugly?"he asked with a confused look 

"Hmmm not too bad for a cockroach!"


"What did you give him Ariel?how does he look?"grand pa approached me whispering

"Well....Hmmm Len gonna fall for him 10000 time today again !"I said enthusiasticly  giving grand pa a high five

"So welllll since you have really high taste in men and you never say for anyone they handsome easily ....then well....So well!"Grand pa said returning my high five

I then hold cockroach I mean Nicholas from his hand by dragging

"Grand pa !my Secretary gonna be here with special suits and dresses for you and granny then he gonna drive you somewhere
Don't worry  !
I ordered him !
His name is adien!"

"Oh dear ! We will wait him then !"

I then answered my phone
"Get me the car ready Adien!"

"Where are you taking meeeeeee?"

"Stop being noisy!"

I then opened him evelatour's door

"You got my friend cry and wait forget her..... mostly important I couldn't sleep cause you for almost a year !"

"You really got us climb 83 stoery ?I will never need to exercise again !Ever!"

"Tsssh! You deserved it though!"

Then we took my car and I  was driving by speed 150/60 km/h

I am your bro in lawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Someone save meeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeee
She is crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"

Then I stopped car and hold his hand!
And we went inside the jewellery store
"Buy with a silent mouth !"I ordered him
"Hmmm well but,you know....Hmmm I left my atm card along with my pocket in grand pa's room"

"Are you serious?"😑
He just nodded
"Assssssssh !use mine then !
I am taking this money back !Got it ?!"

After like 10000 minute he finally finished  and picked a one !
And when I say a one you shall know I mean the most expensive one on whole store !
You gotta pay me this Nicholas!!!!

Another tour ?
Look I will just summarize you what he said again

Well it mostly consisted of how I am crazy and how I am crazy and he asked like ten times about one who gave me my licence ! How I kill people ! And how I can't be a doctor !

We went finally to our station and by that I mean our last faction for this long day !

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