Trial #1.

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[side note, mild to serious nsfw/non-con/ May occur. If you do not want to read that I suggest skipping this chapter, or waiting for the next one.]

You'd been lucky enough to make it through two generators with Laurie. Either one of you had seen the killer just yet-you were on the furthered end of everything. After heading for a third, Laurie had asked you to keep watch, as she thought it wasn't any good the killer hadn't made some sort of appearance.
You'd been watching in front of a rickety ramp leading up to the pier you stood on. You wondered if it had always been this dreary and dark here. Your focus couldn't cut through the fog, the furthest you could see was maybe three yards ahead, and that was in splotches, scattered, fogles spots.

"How long have you been here-?" You'd ask her suddenly, still keeping a keen eye on the land around you. "Almost three months I think. There's no sense of time here," She'd say, squinting as she tore out some broken wires and began to replace them. "We never really stay in one spot anyways. Sometimes we're in Macmillan, sometimes we're in a factory..." She'd pause, nearly saying more, but decided it was best to remain silent. You reached in your pocket, your offering was picked from the bottom of the chest, an old skeleton key, a brass chain hung from the end of the long, slim key. You weren't told what it was for, but you felt it was important to keep.

It was sudden when bright lights flashed on you both, Laurie flicked her tongue in satisfaction as she leapt down and nudged you, before jogging under the pier, she'd stop, and pull free a map. While she did this, you'd pull your jacket closer to you, the cold from the water was near overwhelming. "You two got that gen quick." A girl spoke to you both, it was the redhead, she'd been carrying a silver dented toolbox, her knees were covered in mud and soaked with green water. "Lex, thank god..okay, the next generator is across the entire area, we have one three yards back but," Laurie pursed her lips, that was the last spot any of them had seen the killer.

The redhead chewed the side of her lip, eyes on the ground and the window as she thought. She'd remove a bent up cigarette from behind her ear, turn and move to a group of skulls tied down on a base of sticks. "You still have cigs?" Laurie asked, reaching a hand out and taking a few drags before passing it to you. You'd do the same and pass it back to Lex, who'd take a few more drags and put it out, "Found some more-" she said coldly, a sudden sunken look on her face. You thought about how she looked more worn out then the rest, her clothes were tattered and stained from obvious age. Your gaze had wandered up to her neck, where you'd see it.

"What happen-?" You suddenly asked, gaining both their attention. Lex furrowed her brow, before watching you point to your neck, indicating your spotted the deep gash and scratches along her flesh.
This had obviously bothered her, and she'd turn to Laurie and look at the map. "[Y/N], you're going to go to the last generator, if Claudette hadn't already gotten to it, the gate is just past the biggest boat ruin, " She'd say, you weren't sure why, but the way she avoided looking at you while speaking.."Laurie and I will follow you from a distance, I'll find a way to tell you if the killer is any where near you.."

"But I've only done two generators-! I seriously fucked up last time and nearly got Laurie killed..! I can't—"

Lex cut you off with a heavy sigh, "If you can't do one generator on your own, you'll never make it. You'll die." She'd say coldly, "If one of those numb skulls are on our asses, you have to handle a gen on your own!" She'd snap, before she'd grab you by your arm and pull you over to Laurie's side. She'd make you memorize the map in the small amount of time you had, and pushed you on your way.

You didn't take much time maneuvering your way around boulders and resting crows, you'd later find out that making the crowd caw in purpose didn't work out in your favor. You'd found the idle generator, and promptly began to work, focusing on a switchboard, connecting wires to the appropriate jacks. Slowly, you listened as life pumped into the piece of metal, the gears began to turn, and heated air exited the vent to the edge of your right. You were sure Laurie and Lex would alert you the moment they had to. It gave you a slim burst of hope.

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