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A hiccuping wail filled the air, signalizing the birth of a new Pokemon, making a certain Lucario smile with sweet relief. An audino soon came to the waiting room, looking at him and smiling tiredly, not that he could blame her. "Asriel Asphodel?" the audino called, making the Lucario stand for the first time in hours. "You wife wants you first," the nurse told him, leading him away from the waiting room and deeper into the private hospital.

Finally, several years after graduating and marrying the love of his life, Asriel and Brittney finally decided to have a child together. Asriel could remember the wedding day like it was the back of his hand, a memory burned into his mind.

The ceremony had been perfect, with both Brittney's and Asriel's family in attendance. All of the light warriors, with the exception of Shadow, were also there, dressed in there Sunday best.

A Kadabra validated the wedding, and many of the female light warriors, along with the mothers of the two, couldn't stop the tears of joy as the ceremony began, music playing through the chapel-like hall.

Eventually, once the main speech was done, the Kadabra turned to Asriel, and the question was asked. "Do you, Asriel Asphodel, take Brittney Blackwood to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the Kadabra asked, looking to the Lucario.
"I do,"Asriel replied smoothly, although his heart pounding in his chest.
The Kadabra turned to Brittney next, a light in his eyes. "Do you, Brittney Blackwood, take Asriel Asphodel to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
Brittney quickly wiped a tear from her eye before nodding slightly.
"I do," She replied, her voice shaky as she steadied herself, preparing to be with her love for the rest of his life.

"Then it is official," the Kadabra continued, a smile crossing his face."With Arceus as a witness, quite literally," this got a chuckle from the crowd, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The Kadabra took a step back, and Asriel and Brittney locked lips in front of their families and friends, who cheered, clapped and whistled in great happiness for the couple.

The party afterward was just as they had hoped, and eventually, the time came for the Brittney to throw the bouquet. All of the female light warriors stood behind Brittney as she threw the bunch of flowers, and it looked to be heading for Arya. However, just before it reached her, a certain Zorua suddenly jumped in front of her, taking it instead. Zoey looked at Leirsa, a happy smile on her face as she landed, giggling happily. "I caught it! You know what that means, don't you, Leirsa?" Zoey asked, looking at her boyfriend with a smile on her face.

The Riolu blushed deeply as he looked away, slightly embarrassed.
"Well, maybe someday..."Zoey moved next to him, shaking her head but keeping her smile. "Nonsense. This means we'll be next!" She wagged her tail happily as Leirsa groaned. The other light warriors laughed, finding it cuter than anything they'd seen before between the two; Lerisa couldn't help but join them, kissing Zoey on the cheek lightly.

Next came the toast for the two newly wedded couple. Everyone took turns wishing the two the happiest future together until it got to Brandon. He stood up, beginning his speech. "Well, I may not have known you for quite as long as some others here, but I've seen that you're both absolutely perfect for each other. There's obviously a special connection between you, and I'm sure that you'll have the best of futures together."He lifted his glass, looking at the two with a happy smile on his face.

"To Brittney and Asriel. May your future together bring you the best of happiness." Everyone else joined, lifting their glasses, "And I'd also like to say-"That was when Josh, who was sitting next to him, suddenly reached for his boyfriend's pants, zipping up his fly, which he must've not noticed wasn't done. Brandon was stopped in his tracks as a few Pokemon began to giggle. Brandon, now very red in the face, tried to make the best of the situation. "What are lovers for?" Brandon asked before sitting down. More laughter broke out as Brandon chuckled along. "You're welcome," Josh whispered, holding his lover's paw and giving a small squeeze. Brandon nodded, returning the squeeze. "It was a good save," he admitted, "Even if it was a little embarrassing."

Soon the ceremony finished, and everyone headed home. Asriel and Brittney were the last to leave, and both were a little tired after such an unforgettable day. It was a day they would remember for a long time, and possibly a story to share with their children and grandchildren. Seeing how special the day was for them, it really wouldn't have been surprising.

Asriel couldn't help but smile as he walked into the room, a pair of ruby eyes meeting his tiredly, a weary smile on her muzzle. "Come say hi to our baby," Brittney said, a tone of pride in her voice as her husband took the chair right beside her, gently taking the bundle of life from her.

A Riolu was asleep in the soft mareep blanket, making tears of joy fill Asriel's eyes as he looked down at his son, finally able to meet him after nine grueling months of anxious waiting. Asriel looked up at his love and smiled happily, she returning the expression as she relaxed in her bed. "Finally... we are a family!" Asriel said, getting a small chuckle from Brittney. "Yeah...," Brittney replied as she was given the cub back, the baby quickly latching onto a nipple, sucking gently.

"Mrs. Brittney? Your parents are here; do you want me to send them in?" the audino from before asked. Looking at Asriel, Brittney nodded. Asriel greeted Jake and Sarah as they walked in, flying to their daughter's side in a heartbeat, Sarah let out a delighted squeal when she saw the baby. "What is his name? He looks adorable!" Sarah asked. "His name is Astral,"
Asriel and Brittney said, having agreed months before if it were a boy, it would have that name.

"Now, you better take care of my baby girl. If you don't..." Jake said, a joking but serious fire in his eyes, making Asriel sweat a little in nervousness. "Don't worry sir; I will take care of Brittney to the best of my potential, that I swear," Asriel told him. "That is all I can ask," Jake replied, placing a paw on his son-in-law's shoulder.

Well, that is all for the first ever installment of our book! I do hope you all enjoy this one; it is sure to be a dozy!

This is completely due to the combined efforts of both me and Pokemonfan472! He is an amazing Pokemon for helping me write this! Thanks again for when you read this publicly! I look forward to this epic work of art we will create!

Till next time,

Peace out mi Pokemans!

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