Presidential Election

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" Oh my gosh! Oh my gee!" exclaimed Anastasia, the only daughter in Morgenstern family, " Papa! You won! We won! You are the new president of the U.S. I can't believe this. I mean I know you are the greatest and smartest and youngest ever elected but you won!"

Amanda, the wife of Alexander, cried as she watched the news on the television. This never happened in the history of election of America, a first time elected president candidate to win the electoral vote and popular vote with 49/51. It seemed that all citizens agree with Alexander's beliefs and fully trust him.

" Oh sweetheart! Alex you are now the president. Congratulations!" said Amanda. "We both know you deserved this. You worked hard day and night just to get here. I love you." As she kissed her husband.

"Thank you very much for all the support you've given me. I couldn't have done this without your help and our children's endless support and trust." replied Alexander. "Tomorrow, we will living in the White House and everything will be different from now on but don't ever forget my family will come first." continued Alexander, now the President of United States. He kissed his wife starting from the forehead and gave her a long kiss in the mouth.

The whole time Anastasia watched the interaction between her parents, admiring it and always wondered how did their love last for so long. Knowing that they met in high school and married at the age of 19. How their love survived after two decades.

"I hope someday I'll find something similar to them. An endless love. Always in love"
Amanda thought to herself. She's never been to a relationship before. It was school and family to her from very beginning. But she always wonder what did it feel like to be in love.

" Yuck! You are so grossed, Mom, Dad. Please stop!" both the 8 years old Wilson twins screamed as they witnessed their parents kissing nonstop. The boy's name were Nicholas and Geoffrey.

Even though they were fraternal twins, both boys had different personalities and external appearance. Nicholas had red hair and grey eyes, whilst, Geoffrey had brown hair and brown eyes.

They were not the biological sons of Amanda and Alexander. They were the sons of the sister of Amanda, who died in the car accident along with her husband, Rey, when they were still babies. Ever since that, they were adopted by Morgenstern family and cherished them as if they were their children.

" Ah, I see some boys are jealous because they are not getting some kisses. Better give them some Romantic sloppy kisses from Morgenstern princess!"

Upon hearing their sister, " No! Don't you there Sasha. No!" both boys reacted by running away from her. She started chasing them around the family living room.

Loud laughter could be heard all over the house. Both parents were contented, seeing their children having fun and also having heard the news of the election.

" You know Adrian would be happy too, knowing that you are now leader of this country" Amanda said.

Amanda and Alexander wished that their son, Adrian, was present too, but it was his third year in the military army. Soldier was his passion, ever since he was 7 years old.  After taking his GED at the age of 17 years old, Adrian recruited himself to the U.S. army and had served in Afghan War at the age of 20.

Even though, Adrian was not joining his family in their humble home, because of his 6 months relocation  in Japan, he was in their thoughts and prayers always.

"We are now the First Family. Hopefully, everything will end up all good,"  Anastasia hoped.

To be continued...

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