Chapter 20: House Arrest

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Veronica's POV

  I woke up in my bed. I felt really groggy. It took me a minute to remember what led up to me being in my bed. Then I remembered everything that happened before. I remembered the news, and Peter. God. I can't believe Peter broke another promise to me. He knew it was his last chance. Why would he risk it? Then I remembered my dad. He and I argued about Peter and my safety. Then he grounded me and stuck something that looked like an epipen into my neck. Then I blacked out. I must've set some sort of record for the most forced black outs.

  I looked around me. It was still light outside. The sun was beginning to set. I looked on my nightstand for my phone, but it was gone. My dad must've taken it away. I looked at the clock on my nightstand. It was 6:32. I didn't know if it was the same day or the next. I heard a quiet knock on my door. "Come in." I said sitting up in my bed.

  My dad walked in with a sad but firm on his face. "Good. You're up." He said walking over to me.

  "What's the day?"

  "Don't worry, you were only unconscious for a few hours."


  "So, how are you feeling?"

  "Fine, I guess. What about you?"


  "Ok, good. Small talk over." I said giving my dad a fake smile. "What the hell did you inject me with?"

  My dad pulled out the same epipen looking thing from his right pocket it had a blue cap. "It's an epipen I specially designed for you in case you decided to do something like this. I injected you with a chemical that temporarily stuns your ability to teleport." He put the epipen back in his pocket and pulled another epipen from his left pocket. This one had a orange cap. "When I decide you can be ungrounded, I will inject with this chemical that reverses the other epipen's effects. And you will get your phone back as well. Am I clear?"

  I sighed and crossed my arms. I let out a long sigh and rolled my eyes. I liked away from my dad. "Crystal." I said.

  "Good. Dinner is ready." He said walking to my door.

  "I'm not hungry."

  "Ok. When you are, it'll be in the fridge."


  "I just want to let you know that I'm doing this for your own good."

  I rolled my eyes again. "Whatever."

  My dad left and closed the door. I laid down on my bed. I looked at the bracelet Peter gave me. I unhooked the clip and put it in a the top drawer of my nightstand. Then I slammed the drawer shut. I sighed, and I crawled back into my bed and fell asleep.
The next day— May 1st

  I woke up unhappy. I looked over at the clock in my nightstand. It was 6:23. I slowly got out of bed and made my bed. I got dressed in a black, knitted, oversized turtle neck sweater and dark jeans. I put on my converse and grabbed my backpack. I walked out of my room. Out of the corner, I saw my dad sitting at the counter. Pepper was in the kitchen making something. "Good morning, Veronica. What do you want for breakfast?" Pepper asked.

  "It's not a good morning, and I'm not hungry." I said not looking at Pepper or my dad.

  I made a beeline for the front door and slammed it behind me.
Peter's POV— at school...

  I walked to my third class of the day. I kept my head down and walked to my locker. As I made my way down the hall, someone bumped into my shoulder. "Watch where you're going Penis Parker!" A guy's voice said.

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