Welcome to the City

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Jordyn's POV
Moving was difficult, box after box after box. Ugh. Well everything was worth it, I'm finally leaving this place. I decided to go off to New York to live with my 2 friends Angel and Cristina.

I'm an only child. Both of my parents died when I was 19. My mom had a mental disorder, and she was in the hospital for almost my whole life. Me and my dad visited her as many times as possible.

One night she was sent home because she seemed like she was doing better. I was trying to sleep by couldn't due to my parents screaming and yelling at each other but then, I heard 2 loud gunshots ring throughout the house. I quickly got up and ran to my parents' room to ask them what was going on. The sight I saw before me was so horrifying, tears formed in my eyes and I remember falling onto the ground screaming. My mom had a gun in her hand on the floor with blood slowly flowing out of her head as my dad lay there, also bleeding very quickly. They were gone. I can't remember anything after that.

I don't want to remember.

Enough about my parents. I decided to move in with my friends because I wanted to go out and explore the big apple. I don't want to stay here anymore. Too many bad memories. I also want to find a job over there since I heard there are some good job offers over there.

Princeton, New Jersey isn't the place for me anymore. I double checked if I had everything then climbed into my car and drove off.

It didn't take long. An hour drive. I smiled thinking 'I'm finally here'. Earlier Angel sent me her address. Rosewood Avenue, 10004. I'm new to the city so I really don't know where I'm going. I was gonna ask someone for some directions but there are too many people. Well, it's New York City, what do you expect. Honking cars and taxis, it's all way too much. I picked up my phone and called Angel.

"Hellooo, Angel speaking" she said in a singsong voice.
I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"Angel I need directions to your house, there is so much noise outside I can't even hear myself speak."
" Okay, where are you now?" She asks
"Georgia Avenue"
"OMG MY CUY, YOU AREN'T FAR! All you have to do is take a right, straight forward and turn left into Rosewood." She says.

I followed her directions and arrived at Rosewood. I see my friends Cristina and Angel waving their hands around like idiots, screaming.

I pulled up in their driveway. As soon as I got out of my car I was immediately tackled to the ground by two heavy bodies. "Jordy your here!" "We missed you so much" both Cristina and Angel screamed. I giggled "ok ok I missed you guys too, NOW GET OFF OF ME!" I exclaimed.

They got up and helped me up and forced me into a tight hug. "You got shorter." Cristina laughed. Angel nodded in agreement. I rolled my eyes and said "You're one to talk, you are literally shorter than me DUMMY." "At least I'm growing! But I believe what i see" Cristina exaggerated. "I'll get your bags". I hummed.

"Sooooo wanna quick tour of the house?" Angel says happily. "Ok". I walked inside and wow was it huge. "So you'll be staying downstairs and me and Cristina will be staying upstairs" She said simply. "Ok". "Follow" she says . I followed her into the kitchen. "This is the kitchen." It was a really nice kitchen. She then showed me the living room, bathrooms and etc. " Nice place you got" I smiled. She smiled and said "Correction, nice place we got".

Cristina comes in "I-i put y-our b-bags in your room" she says out of breath. "Thanks C" I told her. "Well now your all settled in, babe. Tomorrow morning we all will go out looking around the city, I've gotta few errands to run. So maybe Cristina you can show Jordyn the basics of New York." Angel says. Cristina nodded "Kay". Cristina slung her arm around my shoulder and said "But for now, Welcome to the City".

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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