-chapter two-

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Wish you wouldn't - NF

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Wish you wouldn't - NF

December 28, 2017


The swinging of his boots as he walks crackles against the gravel, while the small droplets of blood echo as they hit the ridges in the ground, sounding like a heartbeat as the noise makes a rhythm.

It was loud. Loud in the way that he was used to his mind which was crowded by empty thoughts. In the way he shoved the feelings down his throat, instead of dealing with the problem at hand.

A storm in his eyes, and a tornado ravaging in his soul, as he strutted through the rustling roads, filled by the people who truthfully never wanted to go home. Waiting at every other street lights, and on others he simply took the risk of meeting the man nobody knows; death was his friend after all.

"Hey watch it fucker!"

Yoongi lazily spun around, curiously examining the situation. It seems a young boy, body representing him to be much younger than his aura states, ran into a man who's looks were almost as repulsive as his smell. He's a drunk. On his left hand lies a ring, sad looking thing treated without care, scratches around the edges from times it has been carelessly dropped. The name Maria carved into it in a nice Chaucer font, married, unhappily so considering it looked as if he tried to blend the name out. A silky red stain on the collar of his dress shirt, hair ruffled up in the back, showing it has been gripped. His knuckles forming bruises, recently in a fight, most likely when he was at a bar or club. Zipper left crooked, someone else pulled it up, one sock on top of left pant leg, other is smoothed out under. Left back pocket has a bulge, knife, around four inches kept out of a case, appears to be in a position dangerous to the man himself. The boy, a whole different story.

"Did you graduate elementary?" Yoongi questioned, eyebrow quirked in a way that wasn't necessarily amused, but more like curious.

"What did you just say to me boy?"

Yoongi would be content with anything other than that name, but his anger is overcome with genuine awe at the man. He looks nothing like a child. The warm leather of his jacket he swiped from the school lost and found a few years ago, the biting scent of smoke smothered on it. The ripped jeans that were slightly baggy around the knees, revealing a soft porcelain skin. A cigarette between his middle and pointer finger, dangling peacefully, quite the opposite of the biting smirk that lays upon his face, raised eyebrow, and clenched jaw.

"First, I'll stop you there, I am much more of a man then you. Second,I asked if you graduated elementary, simple question really. You know, a school for the first four to six grades, usually including kindergarten, teaching the most simple and rudimentary subjects to children. So, I am sure you now know the definition-" He pauses, chuckling to himself and snapping his pointer finger towards the man, "did you graduate elementary?" , He could hear snickers slipping from the boy, dangerous move really.

"Listen brat, you should know to respect your elders. God is shaming you. Now, what kind of question is that?"

Yoongi sighed, blowing out air and smoke, questioning why he's even wasting his time standing listening to this embarrassment of a human. Yoongi doused the cigarette on his palm, watching the ashes slowly glide from his hand, sifting through the air.

"Don't bring my father into this, hurts mate. Maybe it's because you were about to pull a knife on a kid. Maybe it's because you are a drunk asshole who cheated on his wife. Wait no, perhaps it's because you almost stabbed a kid who simply fucking tripped. He's blind. Between us who do you think the big guy is really shaming?"

A scoff erupted from the man, his face crumpling in a look of disgust and annoyance. "The kids not blind, he doesn't have a fucking dog or anything."

At this point, Yoongi realized, the man is a complete and utter idiot.

     "Sir, I would just like to make you aware, he has a fucking identification cane. It's to alert others of the bearer's visual impairment, obviously you didn't take the fucking hint. Have you not noticed that he hadn't glanced at you once? He responds after one of us speak, attempting to move his body towards the direction of the current speaker. Now, I suggest you run dear."

The man scoffed, accepting that if he chose to stay, the intimidating man may fuck him up. He proceeded to stumble back to whatever hell he came from. Yoongi closed his eyes, sighing as he ran his hands through his hair. As he began the movement of trailing off further into an alley, he heard a small whisper. The whisper which sounded booming as it bounced off the apartments and buildings around them.

"What are you?"


Ah, I'm sorry for how shit this is, honestly its a dream to publish one day, so throughout this book hopefully you see me get better. Thank you for reading! I appreciate it a lot, even though it is a short chapter.

Xoxo- gossip girl
(Idk why I did that but whatever)

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