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Carter »

Chills ran down my spine as the cool air hit my nose and neck, causing me to pull the blankets further onto my body. The smell of strong cologne and Pepsi invading my nostrils. A low groan left my lips as I slowly opened up my eyes, taking in my surroundings.

I was in Micheal's room. Which explains the ridiculous cold air coming from the A/C. I quickly got up off of the bed, going to turn it off. Why he insisted on keeping his room so cold, was beyond me.

Slowly glancing up in the mirror, I ran my hands over my face. My hair looked the way it always looked after I took a nap: horrible. The eyeliner I had once been wearing was smudged under my eyes.

I quickly brought my hand up to wipe the smudged makeup away from my eyes, then pulled my hair up into a short ponytail.

When I was back to looking slightly decent, I exited the room going down into the living room. Just like I thought, Ashton, Calum, Micheal and Luke all sat in the living room. Micheal held an Xbox controller in his hand as he challenged Ashton to a rematch.

Calum laid sideways on a loveseat, his phone clutched in his right hand as he stared at the screen. Luke sat on the far end of the couch Micheal was on, eating M&M's out of a small bowl. I went to sit beside him.

“Thanks for putting me upstairs, guys.” I wasn't sure who brought me up into Micheal's room, but I knew one of them had to. I fell asleep in the garage's uncomfortable couch and woke up in a very comfortable bed. I knew I didn't walk up there by myself.

“It wasn't easy. You're not as light as you look.” Ashton complained, reaching over and grabbing the other controller and plopping down on the floor in front of the couch. I rolled my eyes at him; “You enjoy complaining, huh?” I questioned with a raised eyebrow, stealing a couple of pieces of candy from Luke.

“It keeps me going.” Ash answered shorty, before starting the game with Micheal. I leaned my head back on the couch, looking up at Luke. I slowly reached my hand out, swiping my fingers against the short stubble that crowded his jawline.

He turned his gaze on me when he felt my fingers on his face, raising his eyebrow slightly as if to ask me what I wanted. “How was practice?” I inspected a red M&M before pushing it past my lips, sucking on it.

“It was alright. Missed our biggest fan, though.” He grinned over at me, causing a soft smile to spread across my face. “Correction. Your only fan.” I joked, stealing a few more pieces of candy – shoveling them into my mouth.

“You busy tonight?” Luke asked with a furrowed brow.

“Not in the slightest. Why? What's planned?”

“We're going bowling. The place by the peer is doing this glow in the dark thing. Wanna come?” More pieces of candy were popped into his mouth as I nodded my head.

“Yeah, okay. I'll just have to go home to have a shower.” Luke nodded his head, flickering his attention back to the two boys who were playing video games. At the moment, Ashton was shouting something about cheating and the reason he never played with Micheal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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