Birthday Trouble

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"Emily.... wake up. WAKE UP!!!!"


"Happy Birthday!!!!"

"Thank you, um but, not to be rude because I know you had something planed but, I was wishing to sleep in early. But I can see you want to keep moving on so..."

"NO!!! You can sleep and I will go hiking a new trail before lunch, but if I don't return then I am going to let you do whatever you want. Okay?" 

As I shook my head she gave me a smile  and went on to go on her hike. As I got in 30 more minutes of sleep, I got dressed in my sexy short dress and did my hair and walked the other way to find the boy who keeps giving me these notes. 'What do all of these mean?' As I was going to read the other one that he gave me I heard sounds, like someone was running. I turned around and found a deer looking at me. Just before I went into the creek to get washed I look around to see if he was there but I can't see him so I got naked and got in the creek.  Just in chase he was around I went in the water so only my head poked out. Once I was done I got dressed in my sexy short dress again. When I was done with my hair, which is up with a ponytail, I was reading the note that I haven't got the chance to read yet.

Dear Emily,

So I heard that it is almost your birthday, if that is true then for your birthday then I will leave you alone and have your moment for ONCE! Don't get used to it.

'Hmm, why is he all of a sudden going to leave me alone?'

After I read the note I notice it was getting cold so I reached in my big back pack to found his jacket and when I found his jacket and shirt I put on his jacket, put the notes in the pocket and grabbed his shirt so I can go find him myself and see why he watches me and takes pictures. When I was warm and done with my planning I went to the cliff of where Brooklyn was hanging and followed the path I saw him take when he had me by the tree last night. As I was already 2 hours in my walk I didn't know where I was going and so sense I was going to go strait I climbed up the mountain. But as I was half way  up there I looked down and looked right up.

'Don't look down just keep going.'

After I said that my foot steeped on a lose rock and my foot fell and I tried to keep my hands on the rock but my hand slipped and I fell hitting almost ever tree branch and hit the floor. After I hit the floor I saw a figure running towards me and then everything went dark.

As I woke up I saw a fire to my left, pictures of me everywhere on the wall, and when I looked down I saw that I was in a blanket. When I took the blanket off I saw that I didn't have his shirt or jacket.

'OH NO! Did I lose it when I fell? Where am I?'

As I was thinking I looked around to find it but then I heard a voice from behind me.

"What are you looking for?"

When I turned around I saw the guy sitting down on a chair and wearing his shirt and his jacket on the chair.

"Where is the notes?!"

"Oh, you mean the notes that I wrote to you. Under the pillow that I put under your head." As I was looking under the pillow and grabbed the notes, he kept talking. "So, what were you doing far away from your "spot" and on that mountain?"

"I was looking for you so I can get some answers. How did you know where I was?"

"I was taking a walk around my house you are in. Know, you said you wanted to know some answers, what do you want to know?"

"First off," As I was getting up to look around I notice that I was wearing a night gown and not my dress. "UM, can you tell me why I am wearing a night gown instead of my dress!"

"Well, I was trying to see if you were okay and had any other bruise other then your head."

"Okay, then were is my dress?"

After there was a weird silence he trow my dress to me and I picked it up.

"Any other questions?"

"Yeah, like why is every time I see you, you are in the dark. I mean why wont you let me see your face? Or know your name?"

After I said that I heard him get up and walk out of his dark spot. When I saw him he had dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a really nice skin tone.

"Okay, that's a start, but, what is your name?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Because you are taking pictures of me!" 

After I pointed to the pictures around the house he stared at me like that didn't matter. 


"So, you owe me."

"I. Owe. You. Now look who's talking!" 

After he was done with his little laugh he kept going.

"The last time I checked you owe me for saving your life."

After that we had a long awkward silence...

*To be continued*

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