Chapter 1 - The DM

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I wake up to my alarm clock banging against my ear drums making me feel like someone is drilling a hole into my brain. I quickly turn it off before grunting and lying back down.
It's 10am but it's summer. Normally I would stay in bed longer but today I had to get up as were moving house in a couple of weeks and I haven't even started packing.

I hear a crisp knock on my bedroom door.

"Yes?" I try and say but it turns into more of a mumbled groan.

My mum opens the door and peaks her head through. "Margo, can you get up, please?! You need to start packing today. There's not much time left," She barks at me.

I've only just woken up and she's already having a go at me.

"Yes I know. Now can you leave me alone?!" I voice more like a statement than a question.

"Only if you actually get up or I'll have to set Georgia on you."

She laughs as she closes the door.

Georgia was my 16 year old younger sister. I loved her to pieces but she can be crazy sometimes. She has ADHD so she can't do the same thing for a long period of time or she goes a bit mad. Needless to say, she also knows how to get under my skin and push my buttons. Recently, she started a beauty YouTube channel which has kept her mind at ease so she doesn't have to think about me going back to university or her a levels.

I hear another knock on my door, louder this time.

"Yes?" I ask, still in bed.

My sister comes racing in and jumps on me feeling like an anchor has made its way into my ribs. I try and push her off me but fail. She begins to reach down my body and starts tickling my feet which she knows is my biggest weakness. I can't control myself and kick out, kicking Georgia square in the face.

We both stare shocked at what had happened.

"Ohmygodimsosorryareyouok?" I say as quickly as possible not knowing what else to say. Georgia just gets up and storms out of the room slamming my bedroom door leaving it shaking violently.

Well that wake up call was short lived.

I quickly throw on some clothes and brush my teeth before heading downstairs to see if she's ok.

I walk into the lounge to see her setting up here new camera.

"Hey, are you ok?" I ask.

"No not really."

She gives me a death glare before looking back at what she was doing.

I go closer to her and give her a pouty face.
"I'm sowwy. Do you forgive me?"

I see her think about it for a second.

"Fine. But only if you help me with this. The manual is so confusing," She moans whilst throwing the manual on the floor.

I start to help her and finally we figure it out. She begins to film her new video on skincare hacks and products. I watch her from behind the camera as she wanted me to stay.
She's really good at YouTube but other youtubers just piss me off. They're so full of themselves and get a shit ton of money which they just spend on Gucci sliders and Calvin Klein underwear. I'm gonna make sure Georgia stays grounded though. The last thing she needs is another reason for her not to go back to school.

Once she finishes filming, we decide to watch some friends episodes. We watch the one where Ross keeps trying to prove he has 'unagi'. Georgia and I find it hilarious and keep repeating the hand action Ross does.
Whilst we're in the middle of watching, Georgia starts repeatedly tapping me on the shoulder saying "Oh my god!" over and over again. I pause the TV and look at her repeatedly saying "what?" just to mimic her.


I look at her phone screen and she has a message from the one and only Grayson Dolan saying 

Hey! I heard you're going to vidcon in LA soon. Ethan and I are gonna be there so hopefully we'll see you. You seem really humble and genuine from your videos and we would love to meet you.

I look at the message then back at Georgia who's freaking out. I just roll my eyes and pick up the remote turning the friends episode back on. Georgia just ignores my reaction and goes screaming into the kitchen to let everyone know.

I am happy for her because I know she really likes the twins but personally I don't get the hype. Obviously they're good looking but they know they are and just walk around topless all the time smirking and it makes my teeth grind and just URGHH. They're so annoying.
Georgia comes back in. I put on a smile.

"I'm so happy for you, G."

She squeals and runs back out. I roll my eyes so much this time that it feels like my eyes will be permanently stuck there but unfortunately they come back.

I hope we do meet the Dolan twins just so I can prove how arrogant they are and then Georgia can put that on her channel.

Ok so that's the first chapter complete yalll
Please let me know if you like it and what you would like to see happen.
I wonder if Margo will tell Grayson how she feels 🤔

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