Chapter 4 - Breakfast

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I wake up the next day with a banging headache.

What. The. Fuck.

My eyes widen as I suddenly recollect the events of yesterday.

"Shit!" I say aloud.

What if he's still here?

I hurry downstairs and see my dad placing cereals on the table.

"Morning sweetie." He says giving me a hug and warm smile.

"Morning," I say quickly almost under my breath.

"You alright, honey? You seem a bit tense." My Mum says pulling the orange juice out of the fridge.

"...huh?...yeah...yeah I'm just not feeling too good this morning," I lie.

Well I did have a headache when I woke up so it's a half lie.

My mum comes over and feels my forehead.
" do feel a bit warm. Maybe some breakfast will help?" She says, pulling me out a seat from the table.

I sit down but all I can think about is unlikely scenarios of what could happen with Grayson.

What if he just walks out into the house?

Or what if he's still asleep and my parents walk in?

I try my hardest to push them aside as I start pouring lucky charms into my bowl.

"Is there any milk?" Georgia asks as I'm pouring.

My mum looks in the fridge but there's none in there so she just gives a shrug.

"I bet there's some in the garage fridge. I'll go lo.."

"NO!!!!" I cut her off, standing up at the same time.

They all stare at me in shock.

"I-I just mean I'll go and get it."

I'm actually sweating so bad. What is wrong with me?

"You're acting so weird today. Like, weirder than normal," Georgia says giving me the evils and looking like she knows somethings up.

"You're one to talk about being weird," I fire back.

"Yeah but I have ADHD so I have an excuse."

Normally I would laugh if she said something like that because I know she's joking but I couldn't think about anything else but Grayson.

"Right well I'll go get the milk then," I say as I start to make my way towards the garage door.

"I'll come with you!" Georgia comes bounding towards me.

"Honestly it's fine, Georgia. I got it."

"Yeah but I feel like you're lying about something and I want in on the tea so..."

She races towards the garage door and I run after her.

We both grab the handle of the door leading toward the garage at the same time and pull back forth. Me pulling the door back so she can't get in.

"I thought you wanted to get the milk, Margo? What's up? Got something hiding in there?" She says laughing. "Oo or is it someone?" She asks smirking at me this time.

"What are you on about?" I say, denying everything.

"Why aren't you letting me in then?"

I try to think of a good excuse but I genuinely can't think of one.

"I just...want to get it myself," I say looking her dead in the eyes.

"Oh yeah of course. Cause that's not weird," she says laughing. "Did you have a college party or something and shove everything in there to clean up tomorrow? I mean you did ditch me pretty early at vidcon. Luckily Ethan said he would give me a lift,"

I can feel the salt radiating from her entire being. Oops.

We both hear footsteps coming up behind us.

"Step away from the door!" I hear my dads stern voice boom.

Georgia and I look at each other and freeze in our tracks before slowly stepping away.

"Right. Now what is all this fussing about. Margo you're 19 now you shouldn't be having fights with your sister like this," He says stepping towards the garage door.

Oh my god. I'm sweating so bad. I can hear my heart beat thumping in my ears.

This is it. Nothing I can do now. I'll just have to come clean about everything.

My dad opens the door and inside is the garage except not what I expected.

The sofa bed is put away. There are no bed sheets to be seen so must have been put away.

And no Grayson.

I swear I don't breathe for a solid 20 seconds

I'm so relieved.

I let out a huge sigh I didn't know I was even holding in.

My dad comes back out with a new carton of milk.

"I don't understand you girls," He says walking back to the table.

Georgia follows him and keeps looking back to give me evil stares.

That was close.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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