Chapter 4

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Rereading the last chapter as a refresher may be a good idea.


Leo's POV

I set Choco's unconscious body down in an alleyway we had turned into. No bots had followed us yet, but we couldn't be sure. It was past midnight now. There was nobody on the streets, but there were still streetlights illuminating the city.

"Damn, she's heavy," I wheezed.

"What are we gonna do?" Naomi asked, pacing about the alley. "Rebel is gone, and Todd is definitely gonna hunt us down! We can't go back to our houses because he knows where we all live! We have nowhere to go!"

"Calm down," Glitch said. "We'll figure this out. Together."

I scoffed. "You act like we're friends. Before today, we only knew about each other because we're all murderers."

Glitch and Naomi looked at me, shocked expressions on their faces. I didn't know why; everything I said was true. We killed to win those games. We're nothing but cold-blooded killers.

"Don't think of it like that," Naomi said. "Think of us as the only ones who understand each other. We're not friends, but we can be." Glitch nodded in agreement.

I rolled my eyes, but I felt a twinge somewhere inside. There was an awkward silence, so I broke it. "I need to go back to my garage to stock up on nukes."

"What? We can't go back there," Glitch said. "Todd knows where you live. There are probably bots there right now."

I shrugged. "They won't see me. I'll be stealthy."

"I really don't think that's a good idea," Naomi said.

"Too bad, I'm going. I'll be back in half an hour."

Without another look at the three, I ran out of the alleyway and towards my house.

It didn't take very long to get there. Since my dad is a diplomat, we live close to the Radish's mansion. But as I turned the corner onto my street, I immediately knew something was wrong.

A squadron of Radish Bots was filing into my house.

My first instinct was to protect my father; to run over there and kill all the bots. But I knew I didn't stand a chance against them without my nukes. And at the moment, I barely had any.

So, I slowly made my way towards the house, hiding behind bushes and mailboxes until I arrived at the garage of my house. All the bots were inside at this point, so I slowly opened the garage door, slipped inside, and closed it behind me.

It was pitch black in the garage now that all the doors were closed, but I knew my way around the room like the back of my hand. First, I felt my way over to my chest full of nukes. I carefully opened it and tossed as many as I could into my tool belt.

Next, I made my way over to my workbench. I picked up random tools and materials and threw them into my tool belt as well.

I stopped as I saw my paper with the results of the EMP nuke. "Nineteen failures," I muttered with a sigh. Even so, I threw it and its parts in my tool belt.

Now, you may be wondering: "Didn't Leo use a electro-pulse nuke at the Radish mansion?"

The answer is yes, but electro-pulse and electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) are two very different things. See, the difference is—

Suddenly, a noise came from inside the house. The door began to open, so I ran and slid underneath the old car in the middle of the garage just before the lights turned on.

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