Chapter 3

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Minhee's pov
-dinner time-

My dad, mom, and I sat peacefully at the dinner table just munching down onto the food.

"W-was the company not busy today?" I ask trying to break the awkward silence as they came home earlier than they usually do.

"Yes, as it always is. But your father and I took time off so we would have dinner together" mother plainly says.

I smile at the thought of my parents wanting to spend time with me.

"How's your studies? Are you at the top still?" Father questions me. I nod yes.

"Have you been thinking how you'll help the company? Your mother and I are getting old and can't do it by ourselves soon." Father says in a monotone.

Is that the reason why they came home.. to know where their company is going to stand in the future? I understand their company is huge and thriving but I don't want to do that. I don't want to have the burden of leading a company when I can't even sort out my own thoughts and what I want to do. I want to sing and dance and perform. But doing so would only hurt my parents..

"Minhee. Have you been thinking more of the company?" Father repeats himself yet again

"Mom, dad.. I need to confess.. Taking over the company i-isn't my dream. I want to perform on stage, showcase my talents."

"What! How could you even think that you are capable of doing so! You're just 10! You have no idea what you're talking about. You're being ridiculous!" He yells out slamming his fists on the table making my mother and I jump and he abruptly stands up.

"How is it that I'm being ridiculous when all I want to do is follow my dream!" I stand up as well and my mom grabs my father's hand trying to calm him down. It was no use.

"Yah! Do you think these types of dreams are easy? You're lucky your mother and I carved out a path for you to be in business! Other people are fighting to get your spot!"

"Then give it to them! I want to be an idol and I even passed stage one! I have potential to be an idol can't you support me! I have done everything else you've wanted me to do! I've always been at the top! I've always been clean and neat! I never made any sort of troubles! Why is it that i can't get the one thing i need and that is your support!" I yell back but the next thing you know is that I am on the ground hold my stinging red cheeks.

Tears streamed down my face.

I look at my father with a look of betrayal and hurt.

He slapped me.

"Honey! How could you have hurt her!" My mother yells at him

"Aish! Do what you want minhee. No daughter of mine is an idol." And with that he grabs his coat and storms out the door.

"Appa.." I cry out

"Minhee-ah how could you turn your back on the company.." my mom speaks softly as I bawl my eyes out.

"Eomma... are you mad at me as well?" 

"Aniyo. I am just disappointed. But your father is right.. I too am upset and I cannot see my own daughter as an idol." mom sighs


"You threw away what your father and I built for you. You were destined to work in business and you don't care of what will happen to the company so you throw it all away!" After every word she says it seems like she gets angrier and angrier.

"Fine. I will go to Korea then. I won't tell anyone I'm the daughter of two people who owns a famous company that has many branches. As you wish, I will just leave! I know the company will be fine. Trust me mo-mrs. Park" I shoot up and sprint up the stairs with tears streaming down my face.

Mom. Dad. I'm so sorry. But I won't be happy here. You won't be happy with me being here. I will just cause troubles. I promise. I will debut. I will win an award. And I will make you proud. Please remember that I love you.
- Minhee


Published: sept 6th, 2018

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