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≛⋮If you do not step forward, you will remain in the same place.

≛⋮If you do not step forward, you will remain in the same place

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Yoongi was the sun, and Jimin the planet.

He couldn't find anything else that could describe their "relationship". It was the truth.

Jimin was the planet, insignificant, orbiting around the sun, creator of life, hot, and beautiful from far away, but so dangerous if you came too close.

It was already the end of May, and nothing, absolutely nothing had changed.

It was always the same. Yoongi would walk into art class, continue the drawing he was working on and leave as soon as the bell rang.

Jimin still hadn't talked to him.

And it was like he was being consumed, slowly, slowly, slowly by his feelings.

Jimin knew why he couldn't approach or talk to Yoongi. He was the sun. Jimin was the planet.

He just didn't want to get burn, hurt, dead.

How did Jimin know that Yoongi would surely reject him? Or that they would never be more than friends?

Yoongi had a boyfriend. A beautiful, happy, smiley boyfriend.

Jimin could only watch them hug and kiss, jealousy taking the best of him.

He didn't know, he didn't know how painful it would be.

But it was. It was and all he could do was nothing.

He could only try and forget. Focus on dance, school, something else than Min Yoongi.

It didn't work. Jimin missed him. Jimin wanted him to be his. Not Jung Hoseok.
But it wasn't the case.

Jimin just couldn't move on. He was sick of this feeling.

But he couldn't do anything. Yoongi was just too important to him.


Jimin kept his gaze fixed on the trees outside the window of the school bus he was in.

It was still early, the sun slowly going up in the azure sky. His eyes started closing by themselves.

Jimin only woke up because of the man shaking his shoulder gently.

"Wake up, you're late."

It took Jimin a good minute to understand that he was already at school, late for his first class.

He quickly stood up, bowing to the driver of the bus and ran outside.

His feet echoing through the empty hallways, Jimin continued running, out of breath. He hated being late, he hated disappointing people.

He stopped in front of the art class, panting. He took a few seconds to catch his breath and opened the door.

As the teacher was scolding him for being late, Jimin's eyes roamed around the room. Something was off. Jimin knew it.

And he understood as soon as he saw Yoongi's seat empty.

His heart dropped in his chest. "Where is he?" was the only Jimin's brain could think about.

Jimin thought he was probably late like him. So he just bowed to the woman and went to his seat, staring at the door.

But Yoongi never came.

Jimin was nervous.

What if he had an accident? What if was dead? What if he had been kidnapped and was being tortured at this right moment?

Jimin knew that he was a terrible person for thinking like that. But it reassured him. He always thought that, if he thought about the worst things ever about someone he didn't know where they were, destiny would be like "Oh crap. He already thought of that. Can't be a surprise anymore... Gotta do something less horrible he won't see it coming."

Pretty stupid, he knew, but it helped.

So as soon as the bell rang, Jimin hurried out of the classroom, looking everywhere for one person.

Unfortunately, he had to go to his next class.

Jimin sighed and decided he would go see him at lunch.

He just hoped Yoongi was okay.

Hours seemed to pass too slowly, almost as they decided to make him suffer longer. And when lunch finally arrived, Jimin didn't hesitate.

He ran to the cafeteria, heart beating like crazy, praying for Yoongi to be at lunch.

His eyes scanned the room, finding the blonde's usual table. Without the blonde. Taking a deep breath, Jimin slowly walked to the group, and cleared his throat.

The orange-haired male turned to him, a big smile on his face.

"Yeah?" He asked Jimin, who kept looking down.

"Do you know where... uh... Yoongi is? We have an art class together and I didn't see him this morning. I was worried." He mumbled, finally looking up.

Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows and took one of his fries, munching on it.

"Oh yeah. He left for Seoul this weekend! You know, university..." he said, shrugging. A sad look on his face, he turned away from Jimin, and continued to eat.

Jimin's heart skipped a beat. Or 3. No, it stopped beating.

He choked out a quiet "Thank you.", before hurrying out of the cantine, tears threatening to fall.

He was gone.

He was gone, and Jimin didn't even get to speak with him.

The bell rang, signaling Jimin that he needed to go to his next class. He couldn't.

He couldn't, because there went Min Yoongi.

Well this
is sad
I actually
had a hard
time writing
this chapter,
but I think
it's okay...


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