At last, It Is You I Have Been Looking For (Both)

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When Kara landed in front of Lena's apartment building she grabbed some flowers from the shop across the street. She suddenly became very nervous. It was finally about to happen. The moment she had been waiting for ever since she had met Lena. The minute their eyes met the very first time they had seen each other they both knew that the other was right for them.

Kara ran up all of the stairs to Lena's floor. She didn't run out of breath, because that was impossible for her to do on this planet. When she got up to Lena's room she stopped before taking out her key. Yes she did have a key, they were best friends. She thought. Was this really about to happen. What if she was wrong?  What if Lena didn't feel the same way?  Everything would fall apart. If she turned around now though she would never know.
    She put her key in the lock and opened the door. Lena was sitting at her desk doing some paperwork for L corp.
"Kara, what are you doing here?"
"Well, I realized something today. Something that I am hoping is correct." Lena stood up from her desk and bit her lip. If Kara was about to say what she thought she was going to say then she might faint.
"What did you realize?"
"Well I looked at the way you look at me and every other sign and I think that you have a crush on me."
"Maybe. Do you feel the same way?"
Lena walked over to Kara and turned around.
"Will you unzip this for me?" She said pointing to her dress zipper. Kara slowly unzipped the dress and saw Lena's birthmark. She ran her finger over it. Then she kissed Lena's neck slowly and made her way to her mouth. She dropped the dress from Lena's body and took off her shirt.  They kissed more and then they fucked. Your welcome.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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