~ The beginning ~

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It started with a simple protest

The students didn't want to be categorized based on there intelligence. Well except for some but they were snobs that didn't believe other people's rights.

We were standing outside a small group of us prancing around with giant signs and megaphones, shouting all kinds of things.

I was yelling into the microphone and standing on a bench outside of the school. Not bothering anyone, until a nice hot cup of coffee was thrown right at me.

I'm tired of people miss treating us like this. We're trying to fight for our rights and our schools. They really want to be called stupid there whole life?

           "Sorry about that, my friends are just stupid. There a bunch of jerks." I turned my head down to look at the person. He was standing there with a pleading look on his face. I jumped off and stepped up to him and said, "It shouldn't be you apologizing for his mistakes."

            I pulled my sweater off and put it on the bench. "Why can't people just understand that we don't want to feel like a low life based on the classes we take and the groups we're in?" I looked up at him and said.

            "I'm not sure really, but I am really sorry about this I have to hurry on to my classes. Can't be late again because of them." He said running off ignoring my question.

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