Scar: Path 1

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The Outcasted
(My pov)
What have I done to deserve this? Everyone tells me I'm too different. No one ever tired to get to know me...they shoo me away. I didn't know what to do. All my life I've been beaten and talked down apon... but for what? Well I really didn't know. I was outcasted and forced to live in the thick forest to fend for myself.

It's been 23 years now since I was outcasted. I was long forgotten, or pronounced as dead. Either way I didn't care. I've been alone all my life. I've come to accept that is what I will be till the day I die.

(Scar pov)
I was preparing for my take off to the planet earth. I was highly respected among my people and I liked it that way. As I gather my gear I needed I head out the door to my ship. The others bow thier heads and wish me happy hunts and may the god watch over me. I soon get into my ship and head in the deep black empty space. I smile to myself and put auto pilot on and relax the rest of the way there. I wounder how my hunt will go and hope to bring worthy trophies.

Little did I know I would be obtaining a different kind of trophy.

I woke up to alarms ringing. They were signaling me to wake up and that I had arrived at my destination. I streach out and get up from my bedroom. I look at the map and was ch'hkt-a(excited). I couldn't wait to kv'var(Hunt). My ship soon landed I grabbed my dah'kte(wristblades) and ki'cti-pa(combistick). I headed out the door and started to scan the area so could have a map in my syra'yte(head).

Now that I have an idea of the area I started my kv'var(Hunt). I jump through the vayuh'ta(air) silently. I few birds fly away and since I got here the forest was deadly quite except a small crunching sound. I decided that I was going to find out what was making that sound and headed in that direction.

Lost & Found
(My pov)
Here I am this forest...hiding from the outside world. Running from my problems....why do I do this. I can fight. I can stand my ground and not be pushed around! why? I can't find myself hurtting people I guess but I can't keep living like this! I stood up and looked at the tree I marked so I wouldn't get lost. *Should I go back now?* I thought to myself...

"No not yet. If I want to be strong..I'm going to not be afriad to use my strength first."

I say with such confidence. I walk a little ways from where I was and found myself in a little open area with tall trees going in a circle. It looked perfect for a training area. After some thought I noded and picked up a sick and started to swing it around like as if I'm a master of the sword for years unaware that I was being watched by an unknown person or alien, who had stumbled upon me during my walk here. I didn't know it then but....I was found....


(Scar pov)
This was worthy prey to kv'var(Hunt). oomans(humans) were very dhi'rauta(cunning) and prove to be worthy trophies to bring back. This lou-dte kale ooman (female human) was special. She could fight and that made me ch'hkt-a(excited). I couldn't wait to start the kv'var(Hunt). Of course first I need to watch her and learn how she moves so I have a better chance at taking her down. I scan the area for any heat signatures and found nothing. She started walking back from where she came from. I started to follow quietly through the dense forest trees. I did start to wonder why was this smaller ooman(human) was out here by herself. It was strange seeing a lou-dte kale ooman(female human) out without other oomans(human) around them.

I continue follow her till she was back in town. I made sure I was invisible so no one would see me. I look at this girl. She seems to live a simple life. She also seems lonely. From what I can gather. The others are afriad of her. I can understand why. I saw how she handled that stick in the forest. As she walks past I can hear,

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