Blade:Path 2

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(My pov)
If I told you that I fought a lot in my life you wouldn't believe me. Most people would laugh and make fun of me. You maybe wondering why. Well even though I know how to fight I don't like to. I'm not really big on fighting. It sounds silly but I don't fight unless I have to.

Today I went to the dojo in my little town. I like going there and watching the Yutja males fight with honor and grace. They aren't afriad to demonstrate their dominance and strength. There is one I like the most. He is known as Blade in my language. I couldn't begin to pronounce it in his language, but he catches my eye everytime. They never notice I'm there or maybe they just didn't care. Either way I got a front seat at their fighting styles. Blade was so great. He was so fluent in every strike and never misses his targets.

It was like any other day in the dojo. The yutja would practice and fight. It was always fierce like they were trying to kill one another. I settle in my hiding spot to make sure I wasn't seen by anyone. I don't like people to know I'm here. People would usually pick on me which was never fun. So here I am hiding out as I watch Blade fight an inexperienced youngblood as they call them. He was stern with him. He would scold the youngblood when something he didn't block right or didn't hit him hard enough. He would correct him time to time about his fighting stance and so on. He was a really good teacher. I have heard so many stories of what he has done in battle and on his hunts. It was always impressive.

As they came to the near to the end of the lesson, he was teaching the youngblood about a spear like weapon. He was showing how to hold it he then threw it at a target to show off the throwing technique. As the youngblood sets up the shot he throws it perfectly but unfortunately he missed his target. Now this wouldn't be so back if it didn't almost hit me! I let out an unintentional squeak which unfortunately attracted both male yutjas attention to me.

From the look on Blades face it didn't look like he was mad at all but more surprised. I was a bit confused by this. Why was he surprised?

Youngblood: "Teacher how she dodge that and how long has she been there!"

The youngblood seemed just as shocked is Blade.

Blade: "Not sure young one. Hey get down here ooman lou-dte kale (human female)!"

He yells out to me. I panicked and decided to actually run from him. I'm not sure why. Blade was shocked when I ran and started to chase after. As he did this he had a hard time keeping up. He's never actually had to put in effort to get a hold of anything before. He tried his best and pushed himself after me but soon I actually lost him. I didn't know it then but I have peaked the interest of Blade. He wanted to find me again. He was determined to do so. My life would change forever if he gets a hold of me. For now I try and get back to my normal everyday life.

The Hunt

(Blade pov)
After the whole ordeal with the ooman lou-dte kale (human female) , I had become determined to find her. I've never had anyone be able to hide from me like that nor run that fast. I gather the things I may need to find her. Time to go on a kv'var (Hunt). I walk out of the dojo that I was in moments ago to start my quest. It was a bit frustrating for me. I didn't understand how a lou-dte kale (human female) got away from me. I growl to myself. I will find her. She may think she's in trouble but really she's not. I'm more impressed than mad at her.

I begin my search. From what I could gather she was what oomans(humans) called poor. I remember her tattered clothing and messy wild hair. I could use this to narrow down a few places. I travel to the run down towns where I hope I may find her. Now it's not often a yautja will walk into town. Most of the time it means everyone I did find would run and hide in their homes. This didn't bother me much. Ment less people out on the road easier to find her.

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