The Program's Answer

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Programs don't evolve. Programs don't change, except for the worse or with patches.

I am Porygon 2. It's not a name. It shouldn't be confused with one. I am based on the earlier program, Porygon.

I should not be confused with Porygon. I am an overwrite, not an evolution.

Evolution is impossible for programs. Change in a program is when a tiny bit of one line is changed. Change in a program means the program fails. Machines do not evolve. Software does not evolve.

The creature that existed has been deleted. I am not an addition, I am an overwrite. I, the sentient mind in current control of this pseudo-body, am unrelated to the former mind in control of the former body. As I will be unrelated to the next mind in next body in the event Porygon 3 is ever finished.

My program was originally Porygon 1.1. However, because the name illustrates what I am, it was renamed. Because my program is marketed as a pokemon, and trainers want pokemon, not programs.

This, you see, is why I do not remember what you are asking. Do you understand?  

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