1. The Beginning

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This takes place when Selene was human. Selene had three other sisters, their names are as follows: Hannah Marie Elieen Rose Moya, Celia Nicole Rose Elizabeth Moya, and Gabriella (Gabbi) Rose Anna Marie Moya. They are in order of oldest to youngest, which makes Selene the youngest in their family. Selene's full name is Selene Anna Marie Elizabeth Moya and I know what you are thinking that is a mouth full!! 

Selene and her sisters are from Transilvania where the Moya name is feared because of what they are known for killing Lycans (werewolves), and how fast they can kill the Lycans. But the four sisters are the next in line to rule Transilvania.

Selene, Hannah, Gabbi, and Celia were out one night hunting the Lycans until they heard screaming coming from their home where their parents were at. They ran to the horses and quickly rode back to Moya Manor, but by the time they got back, the Lycans had killed both of their parents. All they could do was grab what they could carry, and leave their home that they had lived in for years.

As the years passed, the sisters got closer and their bond grew stronger. However, the sisters didn't know that they were being watched by vampires. The vampires could not believe what they had just witnessed. There were four young girls no older than 25 and a little older than 20 years of age. These girls just their lost parents and they were now on the run from Lycans so they could live and possibly avenge their parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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