Chapter Two - L.A. Bound

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2am. Ugh why did the flight have to be an early morning. Eliza, Damien and Mila are already up and getting dressed by the time I make it out of bed.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" Damien laughs as i turn to him with mascara smudged halfway down my cheek.

"I'm gonna go and have a quick shower, I need something to wake me up." I sluggishly walk into our little bathroom and turn the shower on. 5 minutes later i'm out and braiding my long brown hair in two french plaits. Eliza gathers some biscuits and snacks out of the cupboards and shoves them into her bag for the journey and the rest of us take our bags downstairs as the taxi pulls up outside to take us to the airport.

"Hey Kenna are you going to try and meet with some modelling agencies while we're there?" Mila cocks her head to the side when she asks, as if she's been thinking about it for some time.

"Um, I don't know really, if the opportunity presents itself then maybe? I haven't really been thinking about it much lately, the last couple of interviews didn't go as planned."

I had been trying to get into modelling professionally for a year now, but everytime I went to an interview they would love me and my walk but I was too short and too curvy. I'm only 5 foot 6" and even though the majority of that is my legs, my hips and boobs were too big for conventional modelling. What can I say? 3 years of teaching belly dance to pay for University gave me big hips? Anyway, I was comfortable with my body and that was more important to me than what some agencies thought of me.

We all nap on the way to the airport and the taxi driver gently wakes us when we get there.
"Have a great trip kids. Don't forget to rate me on Uber." He laughs as we all climb out and gather our bags and our sanity. Adrenaline soon kicks in as we make our way through check-in and towards our gate. I get up and buy us all a coffee while we wait for our gate to open. Eliza and Damien are messing around on Snapchat while Mila calls her boyfriend for the last time before we head off.

An hour or so later we hear the tanoy calling our flight number and make our way to our plane. We take our seats. I sit next to Damien whilst Mila and Eliza sit directly behind us.

"So what are you most excited about?"
"Apart from jumping onto a perfectly fluffed up 5 star hotel bed?" I laugh.

"Yes Kenna, apart from that!"

"Honestly D, I'm just so excited to spend a fortnight with you 3. I need it after all the stress at Uni."
Damien puts his arm round me and smiles "You're gonna have the best time Kenna I swear! Maybe we'll even get you on a hot date?"
I smirk and laugh his remark off "Oh come on, that's not likely to happen!"

Mila and Eliza over hear us and pull our seats back as they lean over to us "OF COURSE we're getting you a hot date Kenna, you've been single for 2 years now! Time to get back on the horse!"

They sit back down and scheme a way to get me out there.

10 hours later we finally land at LAX and as soon as we step off the plane we feel the heat hit us in the face.

"We're in AMERICA BABY!!" Eliza screams as we get into the arrivals lounge and everyone looks at her shocked. We all laugh and continue through security. Once outside the airport we're directed to a limo! No explanation given, perks of winning a competition I guess. The driver explains that he is to be our chauffeur for the next 2 weeks and his colleague will be on night shift to take us anywhere we want! We all squeal in the back, excitement consuming us. We soon pull up to our beautiful hotel, The Peninsula in Beverley Hills. We walk through the lobby and it is stunning. We are shown up to our rooms and soon settle in. It's already 3 in the afternoon and we don't want to waste our first night out so decide to set our alarms for 7pm. We sleep until the alarms go off and all feel refreshed enough to go out.

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