Yes,It Is True

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Minho was petrified looking at what was happening in front of him.

"J-Jisung what a-are you doing?" Minho asked as he slowly came closer to the boy.

Jisung hid his wrist though it was no use, Minho had already seen it.  He turned his head not wanting to face Minho.

"Jisung let me see your wrist" Minho demanded reaching for his wrist.

Jisung still refused to let Minho see his wrist. 

"Jisung" Minho glared at him.

Jisung knew he was not going to win this fight so he gave in and let Minho see his wrist still looking away not wanting to see his pity gaze at him.

Minho carefully examined his wrist not missing a single spot unlooked.

Jisung sat in silence wanting Minho to leave him be in his saros. However Minho sighed and got up getting a cloth from the draw than bandages for the medicine cabinet.

Minho walked over back to Jisung sitting taking his wrist and cleaning it with the cloth. Jisung looked up at Minho confused to why he was helping him.

Minho ignored his stares, putting down the cloth he grabbed the bandages wrapping his wrist.

Minho stood back up putting the materials away. He sat back down once more and looked at Jisung.

He had know idea to why he would cut himself but he hugged the boy regardless.

"Why" Minho asked

Jisung embraced Minho, thinking to why he cut himself.

"I did it because I-I thought I was alone" Jisung Whimpered

Minho not knowing what to do or say listened to the boy.  He wanted Jisung to open up to him so he could help him.

"Jisung" Minho whispered

"Mhm" Jisung acknowledge

"You are no longer alone I am here for you" Minho tried comforting Jisung by saying he was here for Jisung.

"The voice says you are just pitying me though, you will leave me soon." Jisung chocked

"What voice?" Minho asked

"The voice in my head" Jisung confessed

"What does it tell you" Minho pushed further

"That I am useless and that no one cares about me" Jisung started

Minho moved from the hug and looked at Jisung in the eyes.

Jisung started to tear up facing Minho. A tear rolled his face, Minho quickly brought up his thumb wiping away the tear.

"I will always be here for you no matter what. We can think of a way to make you not listen and possibly get rid of the voice." Minho smiled.

"How" Jisung asked with help in his eyes

"I don't know let's sleep and figure it out tomorrow" Minho said as he had gotten up.

Minho reached out his hand to help Jisung up, Jisung gladly excepted it.

Mingo helped Jisung to his feet then walked out the bathroom, they made their way back to Minhos bed.

Minho grabbed the handcuffs that were on the floor and turned to Jisung. He grabbed Jisung right hand and put the handcuffs on him and clipped them on.

"Let's get to bed" Minho said getting in bed.

Jisung followed behind and laid on his back besides Minho. Minho grabbed his hand and whispered.

"Just so you won't leave again" He smiled then fell fast asleep.

It took Jisung a little longer but with Minho holding his hand it comforted him and he fell asleep.

Voices (Minsung FF)Where stories live. Discover now