Back to school

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Hi so today started at 8:45 when I woke up then got out of bed, I then showered and had to sit down on my shower stool for a bit ( ever since my op I have been winded even easier) then I sat down and put my trousers on and put on my school shirt which btw is wayyy too small now then got my mum to put my socks and shoes on ( it's hard to reach) then eat eggy bread for breakfast then I was driven off to school. When I got there I went to my tutor and was told my lessons. First lesson of the day was history boring lol, then food tech that's more my speed although I can't cook I just like trying other peoples XD this was for 2 lessons. Then lunch had 2 cheese and chicken Paninis. Then I had the satanic subject of PE luckily "my mum "lost my PE kit""so I got to sit there and do nothing ( btw I swear that teacher hates me like how he told me If I want to live long or even be fit enough to walk by 30 I have to exercise and he said the fact I needed bypass surgery done so young is disturbing, but what does he know and I already know I won't be walking by 30 I'm hoping to be immobile by 18 or 20. Then I had biology on guess what "obesity" so I was used as one example and this borderline annotexic girl was used as the other example. So I got body shamed 2 lessons in a row as soon as the school year began great. Then I went home had some crisps play fortnite had dominos then had some ice cream wrote some stuff on Wattpad and now your all caught up. If u have any questions or just want to talk I will probs be up till like 3 am.

(Also I rlly want fan art so if u want can u draw some pls thanks. I'm ginger u have probs seen my belly on my banner and have lots of freckles green eyes and usually wear knock off Ralph Lauren polo shirts thanks) if I get any I will make it the banner for this post. No one sent anything so here's an old pic

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