Chapter 4

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"You were never second best" I rolled my eyes before turning off my TV. I couldn't help but be more irritated at Netflix's new movie, To all The boys I've loved before most importantly Peter kabinsky or whatever. The movies whole concept of love just sickens me
Who needs love?

not me, I don't need a man nor do I need Kaiden

"Education is all I need "I said as I turned off the tv and tarted to search my book bag to do my maths homework and while I was searching phone started to buzz, an unknown number was calling me.

Maybe it was Kaiden!

I retrieved my book out of my bag and brought my phone closer to see who was calling this late.
I was right it was him but I couldn't answer it

He had a way of messing with my mind like the trick he pulled earlier , after that he could never cross way again .Plus I had math homework.

I had made my mind up , I was sure of that but out of curiosity I decided to answer his call

"What do you want ?" I said rudely while searching for a pen to start my homework, there was a pause before he replied

"You have the sweetest ways of saying hi , you know " I rolled my eyes at his blatant sarcasm

"and YOU have may ways of annoying a girl"

he laughed

"Is this about the car situation earlier?"

My face became hot and my defensive ways surfaced

"Kaiden" I called for him, he answered a few seconds later with


"shut the fuck up"


Weirdly enough , we were still talking for hours and we still are now. "you know I miss when we used to do this around summer" I paused and replied with a 'mhm' not ever wanting to recall that certain time. "I miss you , Aaliyah ...I miss us" It was hard for me not choke on the tears flowing down my cheeks ,I could barley even say anything but I managed to choke out a " I miss you too "

I did not want to make it obvious I was crying but I also had to hold backs the thousand 'I love you's I was dying to crush him with. We continued talking for another hour but then I got tired and decided to call it a night

" K, im going to bed now"

"A, no I want to talk moree" he cried dragging out the 'e'

"sorry boo, you hindered me doing my homework , you're not going to hinder my sleep , I don't love you that much"

"OH so you love me ?"

"I never said anything of the sort"

"yes you did-"

"-OKAY K , NIGHT " I rushed quickly cutting the call with a big sigh I fell back onto my bed and slept with that loser on my mind.

Kaiden Davies


Another beautiful day at Ash Prep academy, home of the eagles. I smiled as I walked down the damp smelling halls and said hello to everyone I knew that crossed my path.

I finally reached my locker and saw Kate opening hers. I rushed to her giving her a bone crushing hug "Whats up with you" Kate said chuckling surprised at my random behaviour.

"Nothing I guess I just woke up on the right side of the bed today" I blushed hinting to conversation with Kaiden that I told her this morning and she gave me a neutral look as she brought up an instagram post and it was Kaiden's.

Th picture had two people but I couldn't make it out who they were because it was still loading , I waited and looked up to find Kaiden and luckily I found him but with someone else as well


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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