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This is not fully my story. I found the first few lines of it on the internet and then I finished off to make it even scarier.

 I found the first few lines of it on the internet and then I finished off to make it even scarier

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As darkness fell, the honeymooners came upon a female hitchhiker in a tattered white dress. She begged them to take her home. They obliged. Then a strange thing happened as they pulled into the driveway of the address she had given them. 

There was no-one there, the house had been pulled down many years ago and then they remembered, the story of this house. In the 90's every parent told the story to their kids to frighten them if they were misbehaving,

Once upon a time there was a young girl,

She was an only child and one day when she was 10 years old she had been informed that her parents had gone missing.

The police searched for them for days, even years but never found anything so they closed the case assuming they were dead. 

But the girl didn't agree to leaving her house and she also had disappeared the next day. There were some reported sightings of her around but no-one ever saw her for more than a few seconds.

Rumour had said that she went crazy and started trying to kill people when they saw here.

It was her house. After she left the car she urged them to get out but they wouldn't. Scared they started the car but it wasn't working. The engine spluttered. They started to panic and then the car started moving but no-one was pressing the accelerator. After looking in their mirror they saw her pushing the car round.

They were confused, maybe she was helping. 

But she pushed their car down the cliff and it exploded in a fire. They both died. 

No-one knows this story because they didn't live to tell it so how do I know you ask?

I'm her

If you ever see a hitchhiker it could be me you know. I can shape shift. I just want my mommy and daddy but I can't have them so you can't either. 

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