Chapter 1

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Picture of Kian^ he is such a cutie 😍

Kian's POV

"I don't see why we have to go to this boring exhibit." I complained as my best friend, Myla, practically dragged me down the sidewalk. With my other best friend, Reign, right behind me snickering.

"Because, it's the last day of this showing and I've been waiting to see it for weeks." We had stopped right in front of the modern Art Museum and she spun around and started giving me the puppy eyes and I had to quickly look away."Please Kian, just for like an hour then we can leave and go to that Italian place that you love." When she mentioned D'Angelo's, I suddenly realized that an hour wouldn't absolutely kill me.

"Alright, alright. Fine, but you're paying for me today." I said with a little smirk. Myla let out a squeal that no teenage girl should ever make and latched her arms around me neck in a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!!" She kept repeating over and over.

We entered the lobby of the museum and paid for the general admission so we could see all the exhibits, because I did not get dragged several blocks just to only look at one exhibit. "The Passions of the Sun exhibit is up the escalator, come on." Reign said, which made me realize he's been quiet this entire time.

I turned to look over at him to see him fidgeting with his jacket, as if trying to look nice for someone. "What's got you so nervous hmm?" I questioned him, since it's so unlike him to get nervous or anxious. He looked at me like a deer caught in headlights. "What? Me? I'm not nervous. I'm just....really excited to see this exhibit. I hear's very...uh good?" He said question like as if asking if he said the right thing. I squinted my eyes at him and nudged Myla, who was on her phone the entire time. As we stepped off the escalator, I pulled both of them to the side to see what the hell was going on with Reign

"Either you start explaining or I'm about to make a scene." I deadpanned to him. Reign looked at with a scared expression and Myla just looked plain confused. "Don't give me that look, we've known each other for 14 years and we've never kept secrets, why are you starting now?" I said to him looking into his eyes so he knew I was dead ass serious right now.

"Okay okay fine," Reign started, "I met this guy a couple weeks ago, and he said he was going to be here today with his friends and he wanted to meet up with me." He said so fast I barely realized what he said. "Oh....okay. Why didn't you just tell us?" Myla said, taking the words right out of my mouth. "It's not like we would judge you. I'm gay and Myla claims she's all the way straight." I joked which earned me a pinch on the arm by her.

"It's not that I didn't want to tell you guys it's just that I didn't know if he would last." He paused, " He's older and I didn't want to tell you guys and me get hyped over it, then it turn out to be a waste of time." Reign said with a kind of sad tone. "Aww Reigny come here." I cooed as I pulled him into a hug in which Myla joined. "Even if you guys didn't last, you could've still told us." I mumbled into his shoulder. When we pulled apart Reign had a huge smile on his face. "That's the Reign we know and love" I joked.

We continued to walk to the exhibit that Reign was meeting his new beau, that we now knew as Javon. He told us that they met at the park around the corner from Reign's house when he was walking his dog, Bugsy. He told us that he was 20 years old, which kind of took Myla and I by surprise but it didn't matter since Reign just turned 18.

"Oh look there he is. Omg do I look okay? Is my hair alright? Do my clothes even match? This was such a ba-" Reign's rant was cut short when this tall, muscular, chocolate toned man with a full beard walked up to hug him from behind.

"Hey there you are baby

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"Hey there you are baby. I thought you weren't coming and you were going to leave me with these two niggas." Reign's face was as red as a tomato, but he seemed to relax in the man's arms. He turned around to hug who I'm assuming is Javon. When they broke away I noticed the little peck on the lips they tried to sneak. I could also see the fondness Javon had in his eyes as he looked at my friend. Yeah, I thought to myself, they're going to last.

But my attention was quickly averted to this tall, brown skinned, God sent, Adonis that walked towards us. "Aye nigga, how the hel-" he stopped mid sentence as his eyes landed on me. His chocolate brown eyes looked me up and down as he licked his perfectly moist lips. "Hey" He said with a smile, showing off his gorgeous white teeth.

"H-Hi" I stuttered out, cursing myself mentally

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"H-Hi" I stuttered out, cursing myself mentally. "What's your name?" He asked me with genuine interest. And who am I to reject his curiosity🙃. "Kian." I said confidently, suddenly realizing who I was. He must've noticed my sudden change because he smiled again. He didn't say anything else but it was okay, we just stared at each other with soft smiles.

"Uhhhh, y'all done staring at each other like y'all are planning your entire future together?" I heard Reign jokingly comment. I snapped out of the trance the unknown stranger seemed to have me in and turned to see him and Javon standing together with Javon's arms wrapped around Reign's waist.

I turned to my right expecting to see Myla only to find her nowhere to be found. "I think your friend is over there with Symere." Javon said with a small smile. And low and behold there was Myla with a tall, lighskinned, dread head on the other side of the room. He must've said something funny because I could practically hear her flirtatious giggles from over here.

 He must've said something funny because I could practically hear her flirtatious giggles from over here

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"When did they get all the way over there" I asked no one in particular. "While you and this nigga where making googly eyes at each other, he came and seemed to take an interest in her and wanted to chat." I blushed at the mention of the stare down I had with the guy who's name I still do not know.

"Would you like to walk with me? I'm Jamari by the way." I heard someone whisper so close to my ear I could feel the cool, minty breath on my neck. My breath hitched at the closeness and I turned to see the not so unknown anymore stranger smirking down at me. "Uhhh...." I turned to Reign for some back up but he looked at me with a look saying 'Bitch say yes'. I looked back at Jamari and with a shaky breath remembering that I am that bitch and there's nothing to be scared of.

I replied confidently, " If you can keep up with me." And with a small smirk I walked away, leaving him to follow me with a chuckle.

A/N: So that's the first chapter.
Excuse any mistakes or errors please.
Let me know if you like it or not. I'm lowkey excited to get this one rollin. The next chapter will be posted soon....hopefully.Byeee

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