Chapter 3

19 1 1

Kian's POV

Whew chile.

I am 3.5 seconds away from letting Jamari get it. We've been going back and forth trying to get to know each other and we have a lot in common. Until this nigga had the nerve to say old Nickelodeon was better than old Disney.

Mcscuse me bitch.

"You are out of your mind if you forreal think that old Nick is better than old Disney. Disney has so many bomb ass classics like That's So Raven and Lizzy Mcguire." I said trying to justify my argument. "Yeah yeah those were good, but nothing compares to Drake and Josh or Ned's Declassified." he argued back. We just laughed it off, because we both knew we weren't changing our minds on this topic. There was a beat of comfortable silence as we kept walking and looking at the different artworks on the walls.

"So, tell me about you. Full name, birthday, age, favorite color, likes, dislikes, pet peeves. All that good stuff." Jamari said with a grin. God this man is gorgeous. "Umm okay," I started "well my full name is Kian Jovero. I don't have a middle name. My birthday is July 19th. I'm 17 years old. My favorite color would be either red or royal blue, I can't decide. I like to eat, cook, read, and try new things I guess. I hate ignorance and when people are inconsiderate of others. My biggest pet peeve would be...umm I'm not sure, I have too many to count." I finished with a grin.

"Well that just made me want to know you even more if that makes sense, because you seem like a very thoughtful person and I like that." he said causing my cheeks to heat up. "I guess it's my turn to tell you a little more about me. My full name is Jamari Kyle Simmons. My birthday is April 23rd. So I just turned 19. My favorite color is green. I like to cook, draw, read, and travel. I hate bullies and my biggest pet peeve would be messes anywhere. I think I might have OCD." He finished making me chuckle a little.

"Yeah same, I don't like when there's a mess anywhere. It makes me feel cramped and I can't take it." I said agreeing with him. " I love cleaning too. It brings me a sense of calmness." He said as we turned the corner into another exhibit. "Yeah I get that, but just don't tell me to clean, because then it makes me not want to do it." I said making him smile showing off his dimples. God what I wouldn't do to see this man smile everyday.

I guess I was daydreaming and not watching where I was going, because the next thing I know Jamari has his big hands on my waist moving me out of the way. When I regain my focus I look up to see that I almost walked into a pillar that was conveniently placed in the middle of the damn room. Now who the hell would put that dumb shit right there. I thought to myself. When I hear Jamari laughing I look up to see him trying, but failing miserably to hold back tears as he's practically hysterical with laughter. I feel a deep blush forming at the base of my neck and moving up to my cheeks as I fully realize what happened.

But me being me, I have to at least be a little dramatic. So, I cross my arms and shove his hands off of me to get out of the hold he has on me so I can storm off dramatically. Since he was still laughing his ass off, he didn't expect me to move so suddenly. I get about a good 4 steps away from him when I feel two warm hands grab my hips. I'm spun around and pulled into a firm chest before I can even realize what's happening. When I look up, Jamari is looking at me with an expression I can't really pinpoint.

"Where are you going?" He asked with a serious face. "You seemed to be having a jolly good time laughing in my face, so I was gonna let you do you." I reply with equal seriousness and I even add on a little eye roll so he knows I'm upset. "I apologize Kian. I just thought the expression on your face was so cute and hilarious, I couldn't help but laugh. I didn't mean any harm by it I swear." He said still maintaining eye contact with me, so I know he's being sincere. "I accept your apology Jamari, I just don't appreciate being laughed at like I'm some type of joke." I said with a slight pout.

I see his eyes flicker down and focus on my lips. I see his pupils start to dilate and I feel my body start to heat up. He subconsciously licks his own full lips making me feel some type of way. Only then do I realize that we're chest to chest with his hands still firmly holding onto my hips, in fact he's actually squeezing my hips bringing me closer to his body. "Umm...." I trail off snapping him out of the trance he was in. If he keeps looking at me like that then I'm not responsible for what happens after. His eyes flicker back up to mine and now I can clearly see what's in his eyes. Lust. He clears his throat and slowly steps back fully detaching himself from my body and I find that I miss feeling the warmth he brought me.

"We...we should get back to the group. They're probably wondering where we are." I say when I see that he isn't making a move to go anywhere since he's still just staring at me. "Can I be honest with you?" He asks out of nowhere. "I wouldn't want it any other way." I say. "I like you. Now it may be "too soon" since we just met an hour ago, but I feel this pull towards you that I've never felt before. My body reacts to you and it feels the need to be close to you. And that scares the hell out of me, but it also makes me want to explore this feeling more. I want to have the chance to get to know you more, if you'll let me." He says all in one breath. "What exactly are you trying to say Jamari?" I question him slightly confused on where he's going with his words. "God, I love when you say my name." He says under his breath making me blush. "What I'm trying to say is," he steps forward again and grabs my smaller hand in his larger one. "will you give me the chance to get to know you better by going on an official date with me?" He asks with a look of hope in his eyes.

My eyes widen in shock. I was not expecting that at all. I knew he was interested in me but not to this extent. I thought this was just casual flirting, because we were the only two people left in our "group". On one hand we just met and I know close to nothing about him. On the other hand, I know that I'm attracted to him. I'm basically ready to buss it open in the middle of this damn museum. A date would be a great chance to get to know this fine ass man some more. It's not everyday that the lord drops someone like this into your life. With that in mind, I look up into his chocolate brown eyes with a smile and give him my answer.

As I go to open my mouth to voice my answer, I'm interrupted by a loud and familiar voice that I wish I never had to hear again.

"Kian is that you?! And who the fuck is this guy holding your hand??!"

Hi to whoever is reading this. I haven't updated this since forever and for that I apologize. I hate saying I'm going to do something and then I don't do it. So as of now I will be continuing this story fr this time :) until next time folks
- kristen 🍒

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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