Training Trick

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"Treeeeko treeeee treeee"
I snapped awake only to find my Treeko that I named Trick standing on his branch above my head. I had found the large Oran Berry tree branch years and years ago and decided it would make a nice place for Trick to sit in my room. I had it bolted to my wall and bought stain to paint it with, making sure that it would not be harmful to the adorable, green Pokémon. He seems to love it. It's where he sleeps.

  "Hey there little guy. Your ready for breakfast aren't you?" I said and then made a soft clicking noise with my tongue.

"Treeeeeko" he seemed to answer back approvingly.

  I picked up Trick and put him on my shoulders and began to walk down to the kitchen. Trick was jumping from shoulder to shoulder on top of me and I tried not to react to how badly it tickled. He was going crazy with excitement. I knew why too.
  Today was the day that the Topaz City Battle Arena opened up for the annual tournament. Trick and I had been training hard nonstop for this big event. He knew as well as I did, this time was going to be different. We were gonna at least make it to the third round.
  Last year's tournament was a disaster. We were so close to making it through the last battle of the second round when, she showed up. This irritating, snobby, know-it-all jumps in and takes position across from me. In this competition, we can only battle with one Pokémon through the entire tournament. Her Pokémon happened to be a stupid Litleo. It was fire against grass. My luck had drained.
  Poor Trick fought so hard. He dodged attacks nonstop. Just when he finally got a few little tackles in, there she went. "Litleo use flamethrower!" she yelled out. It only took one. Trick was burned and fainted on the ground. We had been defeated.
  It took weeks to nurse Trick back to health. He had burns so severe, that he was admitted to the Pokémon center. Nurse Joy couldn't believe how bad the burns were. They went all the way through Trick's second layer of skin. He had third degree burns.
  I sat by the Pokémon Center bed that Trick was laying on while Nurse Joy treated his terrible wounds. I was so worried that Trick was in pain. He hadn't woken up yet. I was starting to get nervous until Nurse Joy reassured me that he was just healing and that it was better he was asleep while she treated him.
  When Trick woke up, he was so ready to train again, but I had to tell him to stay put. I don't think he really understood me, but he obeyed.
  His recovery was long and hard. He spent weeks in bandages. He never seemed in pain, but that wasn't the hard part. The hard part, was getting him to sit still. Trick fought and fought against me making him be still. "It's for your own good," I said, but he didn't understand. I caught him up in the middle of the night practicing his tackles on the wall of the kitchen. I knew what he was doing the moment I heard loud thuds sounding against the wall downstairs. "Trick! To bed!" I yelled.
  Trick walked up the stairs slowly, holding his head down. He looked up at me in the eyes pleadingly. "Trick, you need to focus on recovering. We will train later, don't worry." I gave him a reassuring look and picked him up and carried him back to bed.
  Those days taking care of Trick were motivation to train harder that past year. I definitely don't want a repeat. We have worked tirelessly to get his tackles at their peak. Tackle is originally supposed to be a weak attack, but we have spent so much time making it stronger. I know that Trick can tackle through rock without being harmed now. Our work has paid off.
Trick and I are more than ready to take on whatever is ahead. I hope it is enough to make it to round three; the final round.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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