ch. 1

688 19 4

Ash's P.O.V

I just get off the phone with jake. Hes told me andy got his girlfriend back after she left. I asked how and apparently he payed some guy to act as a safe haven and keep her quote on quote "safe". I pick up my phone and dial a number. Collin's number. Andy apprently gave it to everyone saying

"he'll do anything for a good sum. You know, wrong things for the right price"

The phone rings. Then stops. For a moment there's silence

"Hello?" A man's voice comes through the phone

"Yeah, hi. Is this Collin?" I say, my foot tapping


"Im ash. I have some questions to ask you. Im a friend of a friend of yours" I explain as i walk out to my car

"Okay. Well, i'll send you my address. As long as you promise to keep it private" he says bluntly

"Deal." I start up the car

"Can i ask who this friend of yours is?" He asks

"Andy biersack" I reply before hanging up

Collin's P.O.V

I sit for a good 20 or so minutes. My hands feel like they're dripping with sweat, my mind is racing. A friend of Andy Biersack? This can only mean trouble. I mean, i do the things he asks me to do I-

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. I walk over, wiping my hands on my jeans, breathing deeply before opening the door. There stands a tanned man, long-ish black hair, glasses on.

"You must be Andy's friend. Come in" I say, moving out of his way, allowing him entry.

He steps in, not saying a word, he takes a look around and then looks at me; he takes his glasses off.

"Im Ashley. Im here to talk to you about a girl called Hope and her...boyfriend, Andy" he says, he's serious

I nod "uh okay. Well lets take a seat" I say, walking into the living room. He follows behind

We sit in silence for a little bit. Before Ashley clears his throat.

"Andy Biersack is criminally insane. He's not your average, dodgy guy. His girlfriend, Hope. You you were payed to..."keep safe". Shes in danger, a lot of it. Andy had been keeping her with him against her will. I know all this because he brags about it to all his collegues who are also, close friends of mine. Andy has manipulated the poor girl and she basically worships his feet. But shes only there for his sexual enjoyment and twisted games."

I listen. I absorb.

"Andy biersack killed his own wife and child, driving him to fall into insanity. Visions of the devil, satan speaking to him, telling him he needed to fill that hole with another human life. He had a girl before hope, but it was short. She didnt fill his needs so...he killed her. And then he found Hope."

"And thats when she started to get attached to him....because he manipulated her into thinking he was a good guy?" I ask, my leg shaking like crazy, my mind filled with anxiety

"Exactly" Ashley says simply

"The night i found her. She was limping and he had branded her leg.."

"He owns her now" ashley says, nodding his head "and now that he has her back, he is going to continue to abuse her until...well, until she dies"

I sit there, tears in my eyes. I remember in the end, really wanting to protect Hope. We'd gotten close. She trusted me. But if I hadn't done what Andy asked me to, i would be dead.

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