Chapter 2

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Bellamy: Where we off to Princess?
Bellamy: Come on Princess when are you going to start trusting me?
Clarke: maybe when your dead I will trust you
Bellamy: woah a bit violent I see.
Clarke: I wasn't always like this you know.
Bellamy: I would have never guessed that
Clarke: I don't know if your being sarcastic or not
Bellamy: no I'm being serious. What made you become or violence and wishing me dead?
Clarke: my mum. After she died I was never the same. We were close. She wasn't just my mum she was my best friend. I told her everything but then one day she died. My father told me it was an accident but I know the truth she was murdered. I was there. I watched it. So from that day on I made a promise that I will seek revenge and kill everyone involved in her death. My father doesn't know that I know the truth.
Bellamy: Woah that's really not healthy if you keep this up. Your whole life shouldn't be just about revenge. Trust me I know. I killed the man who murdered my mother. At first I was pleased with myself then my whole life had no purpose after that. But now I do. Uniting our people together.
Clarke: we're here.
Clarke walks off
All Bellamy could think of was that blonde, blue eyed girl.
Emori: hello you must be Bellamy Blake. I'm Emori and I will be your guide here
Bellamy: Where is exactly here
Murphy: Bellamy well this place is special.
He says as he walks up to Emori and kisses her on her cheek
Bellamy: so this is where you have been traitor.
Bellamy steps forward as Emori gets in between them.
Both Murphy and Bellamy laugh
Emori: what's so funny?
Murphy: we have always called each other traitors. I hooked up with his sister one time and he hooked up with my girlfriend at the time so from then on we call each other traitor.

They walked up to each other and hugged each other

Murphy: So your marrying Clarke. Well this day just gets better and better.
Emori: John. If you excuse us, I have to take Bellamy for the ritual.

Murphy nodded and Bellamy and Emori walked off to a big tent.

Bellamy: So what exactly happens.
Emori: Shhhhhh. We are about to big the ritual.

Emori did some weird dance Bellamy thought it was funny the way she moved her whole body. He wanted to laugh but knew that if he broke the ritual then they wouldn't be united and that they would die.

Emori: Done. Now you may join Clarke.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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