Chapter 3

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We have been walking for 15 minutes and we don't see anything.

"Do you think it was the best idea to promise Ms. Kent we would get James back?" Asks Anna. "I hate to be the one to say it, but he might already be dead,"

" Yes, I do think it was a good idea. She needed hope and no one is more capable to get him back them us," Clive states matter-of-factly " And he's not dead" he says it like it's the most obvious thing it the world.

" You don't know that," retorted Anna. " What do you think Abe?" she asks me.

" I think you two should be quiet," I whisper "Do you hear that?"

It's probably 11 o'clock in the morning yet it's pitch black in this dense of forest. Everyone's eyes snap to the sound of the twig cracking. We hear it again in the distance and start to follow it. Careful of our own feet making any noise.

About a 100 yards later we find a cave. We lost the only lead we had today and settled down to eat lunch. We found a dry patch of stone next to an old abandoned railroad and ate the sandwiches Ms. Kent gave us. As soon has I was about to take my first bite. Clive is screaming while he is being pulled into the cave by the long rope tongues of a hollow. I drop the sandwich and grab a knife. But it's too late.

"Clive!" Anna and I scream at the same time. But he's gone. We leave the food, grab some gear, and head into the cave. Cautiously.

The cave surprising lit up by lanterns. But the walls are damp and a strange odor lingers in the air. The cavern is large and has a strange machine in the center with empty bird cages and some larger ones in the back.

"Clive?" I whisper.


I hear a voice but it's not Clive. James.

"James?! Is that you?" I reply.

"Yes! Yes! It's me! I knew you would come!" I hear his voice on the other side of the room. We run over and try to unlock the door by shaking it. It doesn't work. So I look around for anything I could use as leverage to pry it open. I don't find anything and make a mental note to bring a crowbar the next time we go hunting. All of the sudden 15 people come out of the shadows. No, not people. Wights. They react before I do dragging Anna and me into the cells next to James. What I see next makes me want to punch the smirk right off his face. Clive walks in next to Mr. Baron who is a wight we have been tracking for years. Clive sees my face laced with anger and confusion and laughs.

"Clive," Anna says cautiously, trying to reason with him. "What are you doing?"

But he says nothing. He just stands so close I could almost reach out and grab him by the neck.

"Nice work for a rookie," The Mr. Baron says.

"Thank you, sir," Clive replies, pride in his voice

"But your eyes. I know wights don't have pupils," James states. Clive touches his eyes and removes something. Contacts. His eyes are now all white. Anna tries to reach out with her abilities but can't.

"What?" Anna said looking at her hands

"Oh, you didn't think I wouldn't protect my colleagues and myself from your telekinesis?" He jesters to the cells. "I call it ability stopping cells. . . I know what your thinking, I am still working on the name."

"You little sh-" Anna says, now furious

"Anna," I barely whisper, not sure how she heard me "Don't," So I sit back in the cell and she hesitates but does the same.

"Whatever. We will be back. And it won't be to talk," Clive retorts before he leaves. Mr. Baron looks at us each in turn before turning away and leaving the way he came. We sit there for what feels like hours. I have no concept of time, they took all of our stuff and are making us suffer before they eat us. I am drifting off but something snaps me awake. Charlie.

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