Chapter 3

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Alan woke up the next day as felt the drool from his slumber sleep wet his mouth followed by his aunt's constant screaming.

"Alan! You going to be late for school!"

Alan groaned as he checked the time. 12 pm! The teachers at school are going to kill him for being this late.

He put a blue T shirt that matched his black jeans and was about to dash out the room with his school bag when he saw it.

His finished chapter.

Alan picked up the papers which was acknowledged with the most beautiful handwriting he's ever seen and also the completed first chapter of his book.

But Alan didn't recall anything about finishing the chapter. He had barely even started when he suddenly fell asleep which gave him more of the goosebumps as he thought about it.

Who did it? Who wrote that chapter for him?

Alan didn't know what to do. He was freaked out but curious at the same time. Slowly, his eyes traced through the words on the paper as he read the first chapter of his book,

Chapter 1

It all began with that accident. The accident that changed her life forever. The accident that changed Alice's life forever...

She was only nine. A little girl with an undermined family that never cared much for her anyway but still provided to give her a plate of food everyday.

Being a puerile little child, she was stubborn and always insisted on playing outside on her own.

Not that she had a sister to play with her anyway...

But she had always wanted a brother.

She would play outside in the playground, that cheery, fun ambience of that old playing field would always excite her.

The only thing was, it was located right across the highway. A nasty place as how Alice would describe it.

She never liked the huge trucks and lorries that passes down that boulevard and the loud jitter of the tyres on the tracks and their unnerving sound despised her ears.

Not forgetting how she would usually choke at their thick black puff that came out of the long tube at the backside of those road monsters. It was more than sick.

Nevertheless, Alice still loved playing at that playground, and when her parents gave her the news that she was going to have a brother to play with her soon,

Alice couldn't have been happier. In fact, she was overjoyed.

However, her parents didn't see it the same way. When Alice's brother had finally came, they despised Alice of their care and love and cared more for their newborn.

But, Alice never really cared. She was just happy to have a sibling to share her joy with and Alice pledged to always love him no matter what.

When he had grown a little older, which was at the age where he could at least speak a few words like "Dada" and "Mama" She would take him to the playground where she always played and they would have fun together, inspecting the fun slides and playfully squeaking on the see-saw.

Alice loved her little brother dearly like every elder sister would for their kin until one day some people decided to take him away from her too.

Her own parents.

One day Alice overheard their conversation in the room which shattered her to pieces.

"We can't afford to take care of them both," Alice's mother sighed.

"Maybe we should just keep our son," her father said and Alice gasped.

"What?" her mother reinstated.

"What's there to think of dear? Alice isn't of our blood anyway. She was adopted, remember?" her father added and tears streamed down Alice's cheeks.

"Perhaps you're right. If that's the case, we'll pack and leave tomorrow, first thing in the morning with the baby and leave Alice behind. I'm sure she can find shelter someplace else in this countrytown."

"Okay, dear," her father added and Alice couldn't stop the tears that ran down her soft cheeks.

No. She wasn't just going to let them take her brother away from him, adopted or not. So, she went to his room, and woke him up. His little brother was confused but Alice didn't had time to explain. She carried him and ran out of the house to the place she could think of.

The playground.

It was tiring but eventually they raached the playground. Panting in exhaustion, Alice started crying and hugged her brother for one last time.

"Don't worry, Dada and Mama won't find us here. I hope," she said and wept.

"Ali...cry. cry", her brother said, hugging her sister back. "I just don't want to lose you!" said Alice, crying even more.

"Alice!" a man shouted and Alice saw her parents running towards the playground. "Alice, come back here!" her mother yelled.

Frightened, Alice moved back. "No, I heard it all!" You are going to leave me! You're going taking my brother away from me!"

"No, Alice dear! You got it all wrong! Come back!" her parents shouted again. But Alice still moved back. Unrealisingly, she was standing right at the centre of the empty highway.

And at that very moment, a speeding truck was headed right towards her. "Alice, dear!" her parents shouted.

"Ali... wachout!" her brother cried but it was too late. The truck had banged and sped off as Alice lay dead and numbless on the highway bed...

And that was the end of it. His first chapter. Alan held the piece of paper in his hand so tight as tears rolled down his eyes.

Did he write this? Somehow, he felt connected to everything in that story. Why? Why did he feel this way?

Wiping his tears, Alan put the piece of paper in his bag and daahed out his room.

"I've got to get this to school".

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