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The StarClan cats gathered around in a small circle, their fur shining with small stars dotting their pelts. "Well, why are we here?" The small she shifted her weight, getting into a comfortable position. A larger grey she stepped into the conversation, shifting her paws. "We will now discuss about a new prophecy." She announced, her tail lashing. A sleek furred ginger and gold she stepped up. "Why are we talking about prophecies? We should be discussing-" A cat slapped her tail over the young she's mouth. "Hush!" The large she waited for the rest of the cats to quiet down, her tail twitching.

"As I was saying, the new prophecy will be about a kit-"

The small she interrupted. "Breezestar, a kit? Why a kit? Why not a full grown cat?"  Breezestar glanced at the chubby cat. "I am choosing this kit because they seem to have the potential to accomplish this prophecy. It may sound confusing now, but we'll know later on." A grey tom growled. "You're being a mouse brain, Breezestar, how can a kit do such a thing?" A golden she beside him gasped. "How can you say that? I personally think this kit has full potential!" She looked at the puddle in the middle, her eyes shining with hope.

Breezestar looked at her father. "I understand your opinion, but this kit does seem to do more than a average kit would do." Ravenstar rolled his broad shoulders. "Fine."

Breezestar shifted towards the small she beside her. "Well, Mintfrost, do you have any opinions before I give out the prophecy?" Mintfrost sighed. "I...I don't know if this will work, we've sent out  prophecies before, and they have failed, I don't think this is the best option, but do what you want." She meowed, licking a paw and drawing it over a small, flopped ear.

Breezestar turned to another cat, who was quite younger. "Leafstep? You?"
She sighed. "I don't think I should have a opinion, I'd never do that.." Breezestar smiled. "You are free to say whatever you want, you know." Leafstep shook her head. "Just send it out."
Breezestar looked around at the other cats around the small circle. "Anyone else?" She asked. The cats stayed silent, their pelts shimmering as they stayed waiting. "Alright." The she dipped her paw into the puddle, as a image of a small black and white kit shone. "HollyKit," She said with a smile.

Everything went silent for a moment, and a tom growled. "This will bring dark times ahead, are you sure about this?"
The she turned to the Tom near the plump she, Mintfrost. "Goldstripe. I will say this with the most clear explanation that I can. It's better to turn your head towards the positive, and not the negative." The she stayed silent and smiled with her eyes showing kindness towards the amber tom. "But. Your worry is a honor, so-"

The she thought for a long moment, staying silent. The tom growled. "Hello. Breezestar?" The she woken from her thought and turned to Goldstripe. "Oh. Of coarse, I...I'll talk to you all abut it later," she answered.

"Let us send the prophecy then." The gold she beside Ravenstar meowed.

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