September II

24 9 2

Guess who's back? Back again? Smol update because Wattpad's a restrictive brat is back. Tell a friend!

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I was practicing profiles in class! And I'm really, really proud of how these both turned out (especially the second one, oh mah gosh, it's beaaauuutiful)(not really its just that my profiles normally look awful so

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I was practicing profiles in class! And I'm really, really proud of how these both turned out (especially the second one, oh mah gosh, it's beaaauuutiful)(not really its just that my profiles normally look awful so...)

So thanks for reading, I know this was short 'cause Wattpad. I hope to see y'all next update, and that you guys look after yourselves in the future. Goodbye, catch ya later, Kard out.


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