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Okay so hi, sorry for the long ass haitus, which I ought to explain. A few weeks ago I went on a school excursion to Mt Kosciusko (tallest mountain in Australia), and on the last day my dad came to pick us up because my Nana (Grandfather) has passed away and we went to Melbourne for the funeral and that took a week to sort out because family had to come from Fiji. Then, when I got back I had two weeks worth of school to catch up on (only a few people went to the Kosciusko excursion) and it's exam and assignment season. So the past few weeks I've been trying to catch up on homework and stuff.

  So the past few weeks I've been trying to catch up on homework and stuff

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Leo from Vixx, from his solo debut Touch & Sketch.

Leo from Vixx, from his solo debut Touch & Sketch

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