Chapter 3

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~Sorry it's taken so long for me to put out the third chapter. I've been busy. But...I was able to finish it tonight, so I put it up. Hope you like it!~

"Ah! Here we are; home sweet home!"

The familiar voice sounds cold as it echoes throughout the control room. Cameron shudders in the villain's grip.

How long has it been since the Doctor was taken over? That Clever's voice rung in the TARDIS instead of his?

Certainly it can't be that long. The Doctor defeated this Cyber Planner once-he can do it again.

Yet, doubt enters her mind as she spies the various Cybermites and data panels imbedded in the walls.

"You admiring my work?" Clever questions, jerking her out of her thoughts.

She looks up at him and glares. "You can call it that. Now, we're on the TARDIS-tell me what you want with me. Why I'm so important."

A look of amusement forms on his face. "Important? Now, I never said THAT."

He pulls her through the hallways as he continues. "You're just a mere glitch in my plan. One of many. Once I get rid of you like I will the others, I'll be on my way. Explore more with this...BRILLIANT mind the Doctor has supplied me." Evil gleams in his eyes.

Cameron almost stops. She'd barely caught it in his reply. 'One of I will the others...' Others? What does that mean? Are there more people in her situation? Or is she the only one here?

Unfortunately the teen is thrown before she can figure it out.

"Ah!" A cry of surprise escapes her mouth as she stumbles into a room, falling to the smooth, white floor. So caught up in her thinking, she hadn't realized they'd stopped.

"Now you wait here and be a good little human. I'll be back to collect you later." She turns around just in time to see the opening in the room shut closed-making it look just like the other three plain walls around her.

"Great. No, no, no, no, no." Cameron mutters to herself as she stands up. Quickly, she rushes to the wall to feel for an edge, but finds nothing. It's smooth. No sign of a seal anywhere. She then proceeds to search the other walls. Then the floor. Nothing. Unwilling to give in, she continues her attempt. However, after ten minutes of going over her work, nothing shows up. It's like she's been sealed inside a box. Panic starts to reach her.

"Wait. No. Don't pan-...come on, it's the Doctor. He''ll-...he'll save..." Her heart beats faster as her attempt reassure herself fails. All the Doctor Who episodes, they'd made it look so easy to keep your calm in dangerous times-find a way out of the most helpless situations. They never told the story of-...well, wait. They did...with Clara...several times...but anyway, it's difficult. So difficult. Frustrated and scared, the teen sinks to her knees and listens to her heart beat. Faster. And faster. And. Faster.

"AHHHH!!!!!" She screams. Her body slumps over as her poise totally breaks down. Sobs rack her chest, and tears blur the white ground in front of her. Cameron doesn't care about it. About anything anymore. It's white. All white. What the heck is there to see anyway?

For what seems like forever, she cries to herself in despair. Hours could've passed. Maybe days. There's no time for her. Just white. But what does give her a bit of information is the wrenching in her stomach. A growl echoes throughout the room. Food. It's just now that she realizes she's hungry. Thirsty too, as she finds her throat dry and completely raw from the crying.

Is Clever going to bring her any food? Or is he just going to let her starve to death? Maybe that was the plan from the beginning. Taunt her with the ideas of torture and pain, only to die from a slow withdrawal of necessities. It would be like him to do that.

Slowly, Cameron gets up from her place on the floor and stares at the walls for a minute, before deciding to try again her fruitless search for an escape. She can't do anything else, so what is there to lose?

A glimmer of hope that something different will greet her enters her mind. Maybe she didn't search hard enough. Or this is some changing room that moves over time.

Her fingers touch the wall, and she groans in frustration, banging her fists on the same place. It's stupid. Why is she even trying? This is Clever she's talking about, not some Dalek she can confuse easily.


The teen jumps back as the sound emanates from the wall in front of her. What was that? Some kind of device on the TARDIS? Her sadness and despair from earlier are forgotten-replaced with pure adrenaline.


It's moving, going towards the door. Wary, she puts her fists up and cautiously goes towards it. While this may be the perfect way to get herself killed, it may also be the perfect way to escape. If it's Clever, maybe she can injure him or something and make a run for it. Not the best plan, but it's better than nothing.


It's at the door. Right in front of her. Everything is silent. Breathing quickly, Cameron stands stiff in her space.

Then the door slams open and a figure comes charging at her. She doesn't have time to move, let alone scream before arms wrap around her chest and cover her mouth. Panic fills her again, and she struggles as much as she can. But then a voice causes her to calm.

"Shhh! You don't want to be caught again, do you?!"

It's a teenager. A boy. A Scottish boy.

Craning her head around as much as she can, she looks at her attacker. Or...rescuer. She can't really tell right now.

Red ruffled hair sits on top of his head, and dark green eyes stand out in his freckled complexion. "It's okay," he continues quietly. "You can trust me. I'm a Companion too."

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