Chapter 5

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(Again, so sorry for the HUGE hiatus (About 3 years!) I'd been stuck, and couldn't figure out how I wanted to go about this chapter. However, I've broken through my writer's block, and I'm planning to be more daily in my updates. Hope you guys like it!)

"Don't stop! Don't stop!" Nate's hushed yell is just a dull hiss amongst the rush of blood in her ears.

She'd just seen...those were...but they couldn't be....

Could they?

Her bare feet slip on the floor, and she falls to her knees, unbroken from her daze.

"What's WRONG with you?!" Suddenly a freckled face is right in front of hers. It's saying something, but she can't quite process it.

Those devices... God, what happened? All of those people...gone...

She blinks. Maybe it will all go away. Maybe it's just a really bad dream. Or a trick by Clever. That's it. And she's still inside the cell. Still confined in that white box...

"Snap out of it!" Finally he sighs, giving up trying to knock some sense back into her. Muttering, he stands and picks the girl up, carrying her bridal style as he runs the rest of the way to the base.


"Mate, what went on back there? I thought you were just breakin' her out- now you're carrying her back in your arms?"

"Just shut it, will ya?"

Light peeks through her closed eyelids. Cameron can feel herself swaying in the stranger's strong grip.

Wait. Her eyes are closed? She didn't even remember falling asleep.

Slowly, the cradle lowers her- down onto a soft cushion. Probably a couch.

"Another Brit?" A girl's voice enters her consciousness. "Nah, an American," Nate responds from above her. "American?!" The reaction is so filled with surprise that her fatigue is totally washed away, and she snaps her eyes open to see a room full of people.

Light blinds her at first, but as she blinks, she's able to take a look at her surroundings. The room is fairly big- enough to fit in four modern-looking cots (one of which she is lying on), a corner full of what look to be refrigerators, two cabinets, and six people. This must be a medbay.

"Oh, fantastic, Katie, you woke her up." A British boy scowls over at a girl as he leans against a refrigerator. His blond hair is neatly trimmed, but his clothes are plain and disheveled: a white t-shirt and plaid pajama pants. The brown eyes are almost cold- hard to say the least. Sharp features. His posture is stiff. Cameron can't help but also notice how his posture accentuates his build.

"Oi!" The kid suddenly yells, and she realizes he's glaring at her. "Something wrong?"

She struggles to say her response. "Oh," Well, what comes out as a response.

"Just give her a break, she was just thrown into this." The girl from earlier takes a stand, her arms crossed tight against her chest. Rage? She examines her more closely. No. Probably nerves. This stranger is American. No wonder she was excited when she heard she was too- American Companions are almost unheard of. Cameron watches as the girl brushes away a lock of blonde hair from her face. She can't figure out her age. Her face looks mature- high cheekbones frame her face- but her body is so small. She barely comes to any of the others' shoulders, and her pants' legs drag on the floor. 

"You okay?" A purple-haired girl comes over to stand next to the cot as she looks over Cameron's body. WAIT LOOKS OVER HER BODY- WHY- Cameron self consciously checks herself for anything of concern, but the stranger holds up a hand. "I'm the medic- Julia," she says, (with a British accent, though she looks Hispanic) raising her other hand to reveal a First-Aid kit, "Or at least, what we have of one. Are you hurt at all? It doesn't seem like you have any surface wounds." Cameron shakes her head. "Not that I know of. I'm starving, though. Could use a drink. Do you-?"

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