Chapter VII: Daddy

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Sup peoples, twice in a row, I'm on a roll!

Couple things before you can start to edge your way back over the side of the cliff, and find out what happens.

The song on the side is Your Song, from the movie Moulin Rouge! which is one of my absolute favourites! It is originally written and performed by the illustrious Sir Elton John, but I love this movie soooo much and I also love Ewan McGregor, he was so hot when he was younger! Anyway, listen to the song and also I encourage all of you to watch the movie, it's REALLY epic!!!

Enjoy the chapter, see you soon!

Bo xoxo

"Wait, what did you say?" Ben stuttered, as he had only just walked into the room. I could only stare. Jackie's dad was... alive? Jackie started to cry then, softly at first, then harder and harder until the sobs wracked her entire body. Ben went over to her and pulled Jackie into his embrace, resting her blonde head on his broad chest, stroking her silky hair and muttering soothing words that I couldn't hear. Jackie was breathing heavily now, taking deep shuddering breaths as she tried to calm herself down. I took her hand and led her over to the armchair, sitting down on the arm next to her. "Don't worry Jackie, everything's going to be fine, you'll see," I smiled, and Jackie nodded through her tears. "I just can't believe he's alive. Blake, my dad's alive!" Jackie grinned ecstatically, and I was glad to see Jackie so happy again. "So, where is her? Is he home yet?" I asked, and Jackie's expression dimmed slightly. "No, he's in a hospital in Afghanistan getting cleaned up, but they're discharging him on Thursday and he's arriving at Heathrow on Saturday morning!" Jackie gushed, bouncing up and down in her seat excitedly.


Wednesday, Thursday and Friday passed as slowly as slowly as sand in a timer. Friday night I slept over at Jackie's house, not only so I could be there for Jackie but because I wanted to see Chris Watson too. Before he went missing I had really grown to love Mr Watson. He was a good man, kind and generous, and I was very proud of him, and what he had done for his country. Neither of us slept that night, so instead we shared several family blocks of chocolate and wrapped ourselves in Jackie's doona, reminiscing about older, happier times, laughing at the funny memories and sobering when we thought of the sad ones. It was around 3am, and Jackie's bedroom had gone quiet. We were still sitting on the floor swaddled in the doona with Jackie's head resting on my shoulder. The room was dark, so I couldn't quite make out Jackie's face. "Do you think he'll be okay?" Jackie asked suddenly, and reaching for her hand I squeezed it tight. "Jacks, I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure he's perfectly fine, just very homesick," I reassured her, and she nodded. "He's been gone so long, I miss him so much," Jackie whispered into the dark, and her voice cracked with emotion, making me instantly feel even more sorry for her.


Jackie strained her neck as she scanned the arrivals terminal for her dad. "No sign of him yet," she sighed as she dropped down off her toes. I patted her shoulder sympathetically. "What's taking them so long?" Jackie whined. As soon as she said it the door to the arrival lounge swung open and out walked a tall man in a crisp military uniform. "DADDY!" Jackie shouted, and leaping the metal barrier she sprinted into her father's arms. His face looked ecstatic as he embraced his daughter for the first time in a year and a half, and Bonnie and I hung back and watched them. "Bonnie!"Chris called as he strode over to us, and pulled her into a passionate kiss that made passersby stop to smile at the happy reunion. When he pulled away he looked over Bonnie's shoulder and grinned at me, but when I held out my hand to shake he gave me a rib-cracking hug that knocked the breath clean out of me. "Blake, it's so good to see you! I hope you've been looking after young Jacqueline here while I was gone," Chris laughed as he slapped me on the back, almost knocking me over. I smiled through the pain as I nodded. Chris grinned as he laced his fingers through Bonnie and Jackie's, and I smiled to see most of the family reunited. As if he had read my thoughts Chris looked around, then turned to me and asked, "But wait, where's my baby girl, where's my Claire-bear?" Jackie and Bonnie's face's both fell simultaneously. His eyes darted between the three of us, and I stood there awkwardly, sighing as I realised that I would have to be the bringer of bad news. "Chris, I'm really sorry, but it's not good news," I said with a heavy heart, and laying my hand on his shoulder I began to tell him everything.


"So my little girl is... gone?" Chris faltered, his previous euphoria long gone. The four of us were now seated around the fire at the Watson household, the car ride home ridden in complete silence. Our story told, my heart felt like it had dropped into my stomach when I saw the way I had ruined his homecoming. Bonnie was holding his hand tightly, and she tenderly brushed away the single tear that had rolled down his sun-beaten cheek. "So what's happening, what have the police done about it?" Chris asked, which only made me wince. "She's only been gone a few days Chris, but they're working on it, don't worry," Bonnie reassured, but I could tell it made no difference to him. "Why don't we talk about something happier? I brought you all back some surprises!" Chris tried to say brightly, and he pulled a bag from behind the couch, surprising all of us. "For my beautiful wife Bon-Bon I have a beautiful parahaan, made especially for you. For my gorgeous daughter Jacks I have an embroidered blanket I thought your inner decorator would love. For Claire, in her absence I have a doll I saw in a market place and knew it belonged to her, and last but not least for the illustrious Blake, a painting by an aspiring Afghani artist that I knew you would like," Chris explained as he passed the gifts around, finally handing me a tiny canvas covered in colours. The painting was small, only about the size of an average laptop screen but square. The painting depicted a young women, in a black and grey dress standing in a beautiful flower garden on a windy day. She had long, cornsilk blonde hair that whipped around her face. It was a gorgeous painting, and I rubbed my hand softly on the paint, caressing the girl's tiny face and wondering at how such a beautiful thing could could come from a place so torn up by war. "I'm glad you like it," Chris grinned as he watched me marvel over it. "It's amazing, thank you so much Chris. You really didn't have to get me anything, honestly," I thanked him, and he rolled my eyes at my manners. "Did you really think I'd forget your birthday? Jeez Blake, how dumb do you think I am," he laughed, and my eyes widened as I realised what he had said. "Crap Blake I almost forget, it's your birthday in what, two days? We have to plan a party, something! Oh my god I'm going to get started on it right now!" Jackie squealed and ran out of the room excitedly. I turned to Chris again and crafted my face into a look of mock exasperation. "Now you've done it, you've really set her off this time. Thanks for that, it's really good to have you back," I said sarcastically, but clapping my hand onto his shoulder I smiled, genuinely glad to have him back.

So. What did you think?

One last thing before I go, new character, i.e Jackie's MIA father Chris Watson! He is played by the awesome David Duchovny, who is of course well known for his role as Fox "Spooky" Mulder in the X Files, which he co-starred in with you guessed it, Gillian Anderson. I wanted Chris to have chemistry with his "wife" Bonnie, and seeing as they'd already co-starred in a hugely successful television show that spanned around eight seasons I think, as well as two feature-length movie! I also wanted a guy who was a big child at heart, and David fit the bill. Hope you like him, and hope you like the song on the side, please check it out!

See you next week, fingers crossed for a hat-trick!

Love you all,

Bo xoxo :)

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