Chapter XIV: Collaboration Part 2

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I almost smirked at the looks on Jackie and Ben's faces when they saw our destination. Despite their many protests I had remained tight-lipped about where we were going, and it was only know that they found out. "What the hell are we doing here? The last time you talked with this idiot he threatened you, and us!" Jackie exclaimed angrily, whirling around to face me once we'd waved the taxi driver off. "Because Jacks, telling you would've ruined the surprise! Anyway, come on, we have some talking to do," I grinned, and turning away from my bewildered friends I strode purposefully into the imposing tall building before us.


Dragging Jackie by the hand up to the front desk I dinged the bell that sat on the tabletop. "Hello, is there anyone here?" I called, and I almost jumped when a tiny woman appeared from underneath the table, huffing and blowing stray bits of hair out of her face. "Sorry for the wait, dropped my pen. How may I help you, do you have an appointment?" The lady burbled cheerfully, and I could see Jackie hiding a smile. I leaned against the counter and smiled easily at the confused lady, who was sitting herself back in her office chair and smoothing her creased skirt. "I'm sorry to say but I don't have an appointment, but I don't think I'll be needing one. My name is Blake Holmes, you're welcome to call up your superior and check if you'd like," O smiled sweetly, and the lady grinned back at me. "Oh no, I know exactly what to do with you Miss Holmes. Follow me," the lady said and stepping out from behind her desk she indicated for us to follow. Jackie and Ben trailed after me and the lady, and I smiled and patted Jackie on the arm.


The scatter-brained receptionist knocked firmly on the door and called out a greeting. We could hear muffled talking from the other side of the door and it stopped abruptly when the lady knocked, and I could hear the scraping of chairs and someone coughing. Then the door opened and I heard Jackie gasping when she saw who it was. "What are you doing her Holmes, I do not need to deal with your shit right now," Detective Charleston said tiredly and passed a hand over his face.


Jackie and Ben were seated as far away as from Charleston as possible, right up the other end of the table. I was sitting on the back of my chair, staring at Charleston and studying him. Charleston was taking turns glaring at me and glaring at them, and the nice receptionist had left the room to make coffee. I shifted a little on my chair and Charleston gave me his very best death glare, which only made me want to laugh. "How's the divorce going?" I suddenly broke the silence and Charleston's glare turned into a look of surprise. "How on earth did you know about that?" he hissed and I shrugged, hopping up from my perch on the chair and skipping around so that I was behind him. He whirled around in his chair with a bushy eyebrow raised, and I put my hand on my chin in a thoughtful pose. "Well, from the many tiny details that people just seem to miss these days I can tell you a lot, for example that you are divorced. I can tell that just from the general state of your appearance, from the fact that your buttons aren't done up evenly, your shirt obviously hasn't been ironed because of the state of those creases and because your tie has cereal bits on it. Your wife was the one who took care of your dress, and now that you are without her your appearance has taken a turn for the worst. You've never touched an iron in your life and before all this your wife always made pancakes or toast for your breakfast, whereas all you can manage is to pour milk into a bowl, which leads me to believe that your wife has either gone away on an unexpected holiday or you are no longer together, and due to my previous knowledge of your relationship with her I think you and I both know which option I have chosen," I explained, and I watched in amusement as Charleston's face slowly drained of colour. He stood up and my smirk faded a little as he towered over me. I looked at Jackie for help, who shrugged. "Thank you, for that little display Miss Holmes but I am still mystified as to why you are here," Charleston said, and he held out a hand to indicate that I should sit down. We all clustered around the table and I was just about to begin speaking again when my phone started to ring. Charleston rolled his eyes at my supposed unprofessionalism and I pulled the offending phone from my pocket, silently cursing its bad timing. When I looked at the caller I.D however, my heart thumped painfully when I saw that it was a blocked number. I flipped it open and accepted the call, pressing the phone apprehensively to my ear. "Hello?" I asked uncertainly, and then I almost doubled over when my stomach slowly turned to ice. "Ah Miss Holmes, prompt as usual. I was calling to tell you just how much the boys and I miss you, and how much we'd love to see you again," Moriarty's menacing yet cultured voice hissed down the phone to me. I tried to breath, but just the sound of his voice sent me into a panic. "Ah, no answer. Well, if you're listening Miss Holmes then I might as well keep talking. If you are interested in making a deal of some sort, then listen closely. I am prepared to give back little Miss Watson in exchange for something you have, something only you can give me Miss Holmes. Why don't we meet at say, 11 o clock in the abandoned Number 10 warehouse down by the river and discuss the terms and conditions? I'm sure you know the one, you're clever enough to work it out aren't you? I hope that you'll come Miss Holmes, I do so enjoy seeing you. Goodbye," Moriarty laughed and then the phone went dead. I snapped my phone closed and placed it in front of me on the table, and I'm sure the look on my face must have said it all. "Blake, who was that?" Ben asked apprehensively and Jackie looked at me with a concerned look on her face. "That was Moriarty. He wants to meet us, tonight, and make a deal. He said he would give Claire back," I told them, but I don't think anyone wanted to celebrate the good news.

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