Swan Dive

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"You know Deku" Kacchan said, "there always is another option. Pray you're born with a quirk in your next life...and take a swan dive off the roof of the building!"

I sigh, remembering Bakugou's words from earlier today. It's been years of this, the constant bullying. Calling me "a quirkless loser!," "bastard!," and "defenseless Izuku." I didn't go home after school today. I'm still sitting in the classrooom 1-A, just staring out the window. I'm on the second floor now, the roof is on the twelveth floor.

'I won't survive from that height for sure' I think to myself. I grit my teeth and grab my bag. 'Alright Kacchan' I stand up. 'I'll give you what you want.' I storm out of the classroom and start walking up the stairs to the roof. As I walk I take out my notebook. It's filled with information on hero's but the next page is something different.

I tear the page out of my notebook and drop it on the stairs behind me. Someone will find it...eventually.




I walk back to the school doors angrily. I went home, but the old hag was acting bitchy. So back to school I went.

'Maybe Deku is still here.' I smirk to myself, setting off small explosions in my hands. I push through the front doors of the school. I pass Mr. Aizawa.

"Bakugou? What are you still doing here?"

I ignore Mr. Aizawa and jog up two flights and I'm making my way up the third when I see a piece of paper. I pick it up out of boredom and curiosity, quickly recognizing Deku's neat handwriting. 'This must be his diary. Haha, shittynerd...wait...what?' I finish reading the first line.

"Hello to whoever reads this, and I guess goodbye." I reread the line a couple times as I continue walking up the stairs. I move on to the next line. "I'm tired, no exhausted, from the constant torture."

'Torture?' I continue reading and my eyes widen. I feel my stomach drop as I throw the note away and start sprinting as fast as I can. The words in the note running on repeat through my brain. I drop my backpack so I can run faster. I make it to the door to the roof. I try to pull it open, but something's stopping me. I let out a roar and blast my way through the door before running out onto the roof.




I'm standing on the edge of the roof when a blast goes off behind me. I cry out terrified and confused and nearly falling. A familiar voice screams at me,

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING DEKU?!" It's Bakugou. He's trying to look as angry as he always does, but I can see he's panicking. I feel my own rage bubble up inside me,

"I"M DOING EXACTLY WHAT YOU TOLD ME TO DO BAKUGOU!" I roar at him, hot tears run down my cheeks. He takes a couple steps forward. "Stay back or I'll...what did you say again? Oh yea, 'Take a swan dive off the roof!'" I say viciously. Kacchan freezes midstep. He holds up both hands.

"Deku, you shitty nerd! Please" is he begging? "Don't do this...Don't jump!" I look down over the edge of the building, wondering how it will feel to fall.

"Why are you here Kacchan?" I ask softly.

"I read your note!" He cries. "The one you left on stairs! Please don't do this! I don't want you to die! Please get down!" Anger roars in my chest.

"WHY NOT! You seemed to really want me dead this morning! I get it though!" I yell, "If I jump, everyone will blame you! And then your life is fucked!" I growl lowly. "That just gives me more insentive Bakugo" I say spitting out the words venomously. "So no Kacchan, I'm not getting down."




Izuku's words sting. I swallow hard trying to, literally, talk him off the edge. I remember my words from this morning. Regretting them more and more every second. I take a few small steps forward while Deku is looking over the ledge of the building.

"De-Izuku" when I say his real name he freezes. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I took things too far. I-I-I have anger issues, I'm rash and I'm mean. I'm sorry Izuku." I see his eyes glaze over. He's not listening to me anymore. Izuku turns his back to me. The next things seem to happen in slow motion.

Deku starts to step off the roof. I feel my legs move but I'm not thinking about it. Then Deku starts to fall. I feel my mouth open and I scream, "DEKU NO!" I dive over the edge of the roof, hooking my legs and feet into the wall to keep from falling. I reach as far as I can and grab Izuku's collar.

He looks up at me, I'm straining myself as hard as I can to keep from dropping him. "K-Kacchan?!" He squeaks. I start pulling him up towards me, letting out a roar of frustration.

"I won't let you die!" I yell and hook my hands under his arms. I cry out and pull as hard as I can, struggling to get Izuku back onto the roof. He's limp in my hands and I can feel him shaking. "Damn it!" I cry out so close to pulling Izuku to safety.

I can feel Deku slipping. I can tell he still wants to fall. "P-Please..." I grunt, "Izuku...Help me!" He looks up at me.

"Let go" he says. My eyes widen and I grip Deku's clothes trying as hard as I can to pull him up.

"Izuku no!"

"If you don't we'll both die" he whispers. I cry out again in frustration.

'If I use my quirk I'll hurt Izuku! But if I don't I'll drop him!' I think frantically. 'I have no choice!' I wrap one arm across Deku's chest and open one of my palms. I grunt and set off a large explosion that propels me and Izuku backwards. I hit the roof hard.

I sit up almost immediatly. "Deku! Deku where are you?!" I yell and scan the roof. I see Izuku laying near the door. I must have thrown him when I set off the explosion. I run over to him and kneel beside him. At first I think he's shaking because he's injured, but then I realize he's sobbing.

"Are you...ok?" I ask awkwardly. Izuku rolls over and hides his face in his arms.

"Wh-why didn't you just l-let me die?" He sobs.

"Shit Deku" I say sofly, "I never wanted you to die." He looks completely shocked, but he stops sobbing at least.

"W-Will you come home with me?" I feel heat rise in my face but I quickly shake it off.

"Whatever nerd." I get up and watch as Izuku struggles to his feet. To my surprise he walks ahead of me.

Niether of us say a word as we walk down the stairs. Still we say nothing as we exit UA. I have a horrible feeling in my stomach. I almost killed Izuku Midorya; and he was right. If I had killed him, my life would have been totally fucked.

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