No One Said I Couldn't Be A Villain

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I wake up in a dimly lit room. I look around frantically. I try to move and find that I can't. There are heavy metal restraints on my hands and arms that go up to my biceps. There's a metal collar on my throat with a chain connected to it. A metal mask covers the lower half of my face.

I try and set off small explosions in my hands to break the restraints. It does nothing. I swallow hard when I hear high pitched, insane sounding laughter.

"I think I like you like this" a familiar voice says.

'No!' I think. 'It's not him! He disappeared before we went to highschool!' I search around the room for the source of the voice. I can't see anyone. I start to struggle against my restraints again, trying to break them with my quirk but I can't. When he finally steps into the light, I freeze.

He's bigger than I remember. Not bigger than me by any means, but more filled out for sure. His crazy looking green eyes match his unruly hair. He's wearing a grey vest with a white shirt underneath. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. A red tie is hanging loosely around his neck. There are black gloves on his hands.

"Hello...Kacchan" he says. My eyes go wide,

'Deku!' He walks over to me and puts a foot between my legs on the chair I'm chained to. One of his gloved hands reaches towards my face and I jerk my head away.

"Oh don't be like that" Deku says maliciously. He grabs my chin and unclips the metal mask before pulling it off my face. I gasp for air, I didn't realize I was so oxygen deprived.

"Deku" I gasp. "What the fuck, what's going on?!" He grins at me.

"When we were kids" he says, "you always told me I would never be a hero." I feel one of his hands move to my throat. "You called me defenseless and weak. You told me I was a quirkless bastard and that I would die if I ever tried to do anything great." Deku squeezes my throat hard, cutting off my airway.

"D-Deku..." I grunt. "Deku s-stop." Instead of stopping he squeezes even harder.

"You always told me I would never be a hero" he spits. I'm thrashing involentarily because of the hand suffocating me. I'm unable to move because of the restraints.

"Y-You're killing me..." I rasp starting to see white spots. The edge of my vision starting to go black from oxygen depprivation. Deku's vicious smile returns.

"You never said I couldn't be a villain." Deku releases my throat and I cough violently. My chest heaves as I desperately suck in air. He doesn't let me catch a break, he grabs the chain connected to the metal collar and pulls it hard towards him. "I looked up to you Bakugou. I thought you were amazing. I wanted to be you. All I ever did was be nice to you, and in return you beat me, you made fun of me, and made me think I was nothing. You made me feel powerless." He traces my jawline with his free hand and looks me straight in the eyes. "Now...I'm going to return the favor."

Deku drops the chain and takes a step back.

"DEKU YOU BASTARD! WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS I'M GONNA TEAR YOU APART!" I roar trying to physically rip my body free from the metal bindings. Deku only smiles.

"I don't think you're in any position to be making threats like that." He walks away from the light and I hear him say from the darkness. "Especially because of this!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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