Chapter 4: Weak, Strong, And Family

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Yang stood in endless darkness, red embers reminding her of him. An erie echo filled her mind, the only sound she heard. She looked down at herself, and saw that she had both of her arms. Her real arms. She looked up and saw him, Adam, walking towards her. The red markings on him glowing brightly in the darkness, she gasped and held her arms up instinctually. She felt an odd weight on them, she looked down and saw she had her Ember Celica bracelets on. She started to punch the air shooting projectiles at Adam, but they just went through them as if they weren't there.

He placed his hand on his katana as if he were about to draw it, Yang was about to shoot again but this time she didn't have her bracelets...or her right arm. She looked around herself in horror, confusion, she was so scared. Her eyes shook as they didn't know what to focus on, she hated not knowing what was going on. She looked back towards Adam only to find him right in front of her, he smirked a vicious smile before pulling his blade-

Yang woke up with a gasp in her bed, she looked down to her right arm and looked at the moonlight reflecting off of its surface. She heard laughter coming from downstairs, and went to go investigate.


"Come on guys! If we pick up the pace we can hit the next town before sunset." Ruby explained walking faster than the previous days, she also seemed to be avoiding eye contact with her friends. Ren and Nora took notice of this, Jaune being clueless did not.

Nora looked at Ren and nodded, Ren nodded back and moved up towards Ruby. "Ruby, is everything ok?"

She looked at him and nodded, "Yeah, everything's fine why?"

"You just...seem off is all." Nora said walking next to her, Jaune took notice of this and listened in.

"I uh, I'm fine."

"Now that I think of it, you have been acting a bit weird today." Jaune added, Ruby looked between her friends and sighed.

"I...I just had a nightmare."

Ren nodded, "About what?"

She closed her eyes, "Pyrrha."

Everyone stopped.

She looked back at them and saw that they had wide eyes, Jaune's were the widest. "I'm sorry what?" He asked.

"I had a nightmare about Pyrrha, she was calling out your name Jaune. And it freaks me out, because I'm hearing things that I wasn't there for. I hear her talking to Cinder. I hear her when she get shot! I don't understand!" Ruby shouted before beginning to cry, she held her head as she began to shake. "It's my fault. I should've been quicker."

Ren put his hand on her shoulder, "It's one persons fault, and it's not yours. It's Cinder."

Jaune growled at the name, "Cinder." he said through clenched teeth. "If I ever see her I'll-"

"You will be very careful and not do anything stupid." Nora said forcefully, he looked towards Ruby.

"And no more blaming yourself, there are hundreds of things we could've done differently that day. But we didn't, it was set in time. It was our destiny." Nora explained with tears brimming her eyes.

From above on a cliff a man wearing a white jacket and black pants, stood above multiple dead Grimm that were in the process of disintegrating. He followed the teenagers to the next village where he watched from a bar, he sat in silence. Going as far as to not even order a drink.

A lady placed a drink on the table, he looked up at the younger girl and tilted his head. "Oh, I didn't-"

"From the woman upstairs. Red eyes. Said you wouldn't mind bottom shelf." She explained before looking over to the area upstairs, Qrow followed her gaze.

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