"Your Fault!"

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"Your fault!"
That's the same words I hear you speak...
Not once, but over and over again.
The thing I want to know is...
If I'm gone, would you still put the blame on me?
Am I that much of a sinner for you to blame me for everything, especially for the bad things?
Funny fact is, I never hear you blame me for the good things I've done for you...
Hell, I would try my hardest, to be perfect,
But I will still be that vulnerable girl that you would think lowly of.

"Your fault!"
Isn't it getting tiring for you?
To always put me on the spot?
For being a burden to you?
I just hope that after you blame me,
You would know the real reason behind everything.
I would say that "it's your fault", but I would be lying because I can't blame you...
Truth be told, it was fate, fate was why my family is drifting apart.

Fate was the real reason I have scars
Fate was the REAL reason why I am to be blamed...
So please, next time, think before you speak...
Control yourself, before you act
Because next time... Next time,
I won't be by your side,
I won't be there as a shoulder for you to cry on...
To support you...
Because you were never there when I needed you...

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