Something has changed

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~It's hard to think that see doesn't love me but it's harder to let her go~

I was waiting z's arrival at the airport with Harrison . I was very distracted thinking about her, haven't seen her in 5 months and I was worried that all the friendship that they had was gone . Having her in my life was the best give I ever received even better than being Spider-Man. We became friends very quickly, but as soon as she called me best friend I knew that I wanted something more with her , not just ... friendship,she means the world to me but I don't think she feels the same .
I couldn't take her of my mind ,it's hard you know..loving someone so hard that doesn't love u back .
I was soon snapped out of my thoughts by Harrison who noticed I was everywhere but here.

- Tom, earth calling Holland .
- Sorry mate I was thinking about..
- Zendaya -he interrupted me already knowing the answer.- I know,every time you think about her you get exited down there- he said pointing on my lower parts while laughing.i could help but laught with him .
-she drives me crazy Man , when I think about her my animal spirit turns on.
-yooo!! your sexual fantasies for you please.
- I'll try but I'll be hard these months she's gonna be here .
-what I like her a lot! Let me have my imaginary sexual moments dude.
-Tom,please look at your back. -He says smiling at me
As soon as I turn around I see Zendaya searching for us everywhere. I can not help but bite my lips. She looks very pretty today,she's wearing a short black dress with a denim jacked, her hair is loose and her curls move at the rhythm of the wind that enters through the windows.
-when you decide to stop gazing at her you could go help her ,I'll be great just saying. - Harrison once again brings me back to reality.
I ran toward her the fastest I could ,she noticed me running towards her and I could tell she was happy to see me too because she drop all her bags to run toward me so we could hug earlier.

We hugged for the longest we had before. I can't explain the feeling of hugging someone who means a lot to you and you haven't seen him in ages.
When we stopped hugging I could spot lot of differences in him since last time. His  arms are bigger, his abs more marked, his curls longer and I think he has grown a few centimeters.
-damn tom I can't call you shawty anymore look at you . I tell him while touching his hair.
-and you..your I mean
-yeah Tom my boobs are bigger .- i try to say with a serious face by when tom starts blushing I can help and I start to chuckle.
Tom little smile makes my blush a little bit. To save the awkward moment I ask him to pick my backs while I go to hug Harrison.
- Sup you big head.
- Sup Dick head .- i say while punching his shoulder.-Long time no see,how's life treating you.
-not better than you. I heard you'll be the main character in euphoria in HBO .
-yeah, big step in my career.i say turning around to see a tom waiting impatiently carting all my stuff 💼
- i'm so sorry,Tom I forgot about you. -I  pick up some to help him and we all go to tom's car . Once we entered the car I felt asleep. I hate jet luck!

I start to panic in my head when she rest her head in my shoulder and her arm touches my thigh. Her touch makes me weak,she makes me weak.
As I get comfortable with her body so close to mines I lay my head on her's and I close my eyes and enjoy this little moment ,I wish it was real tho . I know she's just laying on me because she's asleep .
In moments like this I wish I could stop the world to tell her how I feel but I just can't.

  I open my i eyes and the first thing I see it's toms and around me ,I look up and see him sleeping .he looks super hot while resting. I start to look at the positions we are. My legs are in his lap while my head was resting on his shoulder ,his head in mine and he surrounded me with his big arms .
It was strange ,I didn't felt uncomfortable , I felt protected .
Normally when I was around him I tried to skip moments with him I just didn't wanted  him to have a wrong idea . But this time I didn't want this moment to end. That's when I knew that definitely something has changed .
I separated from him carefully,the idea that I liked it terrified me. I didn't normally opened my heart to love, last time I did  my heart broke in a million pieces. I promised my self that from that moment to the end of my life I will only open it for me .
As much as I did not want to wake him up he opened his eyes when he felt something missed .

-sorry i didn't mean to wake you. -her apology was music for me ,I saw a cute side of her once again.
-no worries, I was about to wake up anyway.
-Tom.. I..I'm sorry I cuddled with you, I didn't meant to make you uncomfortable.-she lowered her head and I lifted it with my hand on her chin.
-Z it's okey for me . We're just to friends who wanted to rest comfortable.-I face palmed myself (mentally) as I said that. Men I auto friend zoned me.
-thank god , I don't want a strange aura between us.
-yeah,yeah just friends - I fake a smile and turn to look at the window.If it nearly impossible for me to have something with her now I just made it fully impossible. Why I can't just tell her?

Hey this is my first fan fic ever so I hope you like it ! If you stand tomdaya follow me on insta @its

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Hey this is my first fan fic ever so I hope you like it ! If you stand tomdaya follow me on insta @its.tomdaya
There I'll be telling you guys whenever I update and yeah that's it thanku.

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