A little gift

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When we arrived at tom's house the first thing I did was run towards the couch. Even tho I've slept earlier I was very tired .i started to close my eyes but Tom threw me a pillow and started putting some music in his JBL.
-Z if the only thing your gonna do here in London is sleep you better find a hotel , at tom's house we only party.-he shouted at me while pressing the play button.
I recognized the song at the second,how could I forget about his performance on the lip sync battle .

-you can stay under my umbrella ellaaella ehh.- we both started singing while I jumped on the couch. When the song came to and end I decided to jump on the coffee table ,don't ask why I was kinda feeling myself. At my attempt to jump to the floor my foot slipped and I hit my face with the floor .
-Zendaya !! Omg are you okay?- I heard tom say while he was picking me up.
He started checking my face side to side just Incase I have a wound.

-What were you thinking z that you were Rihanna or what?-he said laughing
-not funny Tom , I feel dizzy!
-hold on a sec , I'll go to the kitchen for some ice.
As he goes to the kitchen I can help but stare at him, he looked a bit sad ,but why? I knew that it wasn't for my stupid jump,something bigger was trapped in his head .

- Here you go. -He placed the cold ice in my forehead while looking down .
-yeah- he was still looking down.
-what's bothering you? And please don't say nothing I can tell for miles away.
-  nothing is bothering me. I just a bit sad for Harrison, he won't be at home for 3 weeks and it's strange not to have him around.- he played with his fingers.
- I understand you, I miss Darnell already, I'm sure he'll come to busy but still.- I tried to empathize with him however I knew that that was not bothering him at all , yeah he'll miss him and every thing but I knew him he can live without him plus every time he lies he starts playing with his fingers. I didn't want to ask him again .If he wanted to tell me, he would have told me.
-Soo ...What have you planned for tonight Tom? I hope something god to celebrate that I'll be bothering you for the next 3months,-I tried to change the subject-
-I did ,I planned a little party in my pool. I just hope it doesn't rain. -he looked at the window with a dorky look .
-And I hope someone comes, Tom there's only you and me right now in London. No Jacob,no Tony, no Harrison no one Tom,no one.
- I was thinking of a small party,like.. just you ..and me . - he lowered his voice at the end and grabbed his neck with both hands.-If you want ..err yeah.. if you don't it's fine with me.
-Sure I'll party with you boy! Just promise me we'll have fun.
I could see him trying not to jump off joy
-I just want to rest a bit before, do you mind showing me were's the guest room. - I asked him while picking my bags.
-Sure thing.-he helped me carrying the bags And leaded me through the stairs-I kinda decorated a bit the guest room for you ..as you're staying long time I thought I'll be nice ..- he said with a happy voice while jumping a bit before opening the room.
-you didn't have to serious..-he opened the door and I shot my mouth. He was such a good person.
-Tom.. this .. this is beautiful .did you decorated all of this by yourself.
-nooo -he started smiling- My mom helped me a bit .
I drop my bags to the floor and turned around to hug him.

I drop my bags to the floor and turned around to hug him

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Having her on my arms was a gift for me . Having her small arms wrapped around me and having mine's around her made me feel so lucky.
The fact that she liked this  little detail I made for her made my eyes shine like the stars.
- I' m glad you like it.- I said still hugging her.
- I love it Tom. No one has ever done something like this for me . At the end the little stuff turns to be the biggest. - she said tearing apart.
-Anything for my Rihanna.


-shut up Tom let's just forget about it-I tell him while punching him.
As soon as I stopped punching him he grabbed me and started tickling .
- Tom .. Hahaha.. stop ...hahahaha please .
He stopped tickling and started to look at me like if I had something on my head.
- what? It's something wrong?
-Yes... I mean no, there's nothing wrong.-he tried to avoid the fact that he said Yes , I'm not stupid.
-I'll let you rest a bit ,he started to walk to the door but I stopped him grabbing his wrist.
-Will you wake me , I don't wanna be late for our party.-I tried to make him laugh but it didn't work he just nodded
and left the room closing it a little bit .


What was wrong with me ? I knew something was bothering me I just didn't know what. Well I did I just didn't want to admit it . Every time I'm close to her I can only think of ripping her clothes away  and that tough pisses me a lot , she drives me crazy but ass much I want to kiss her and have her in my bed I know that I need to contain myself for her. She thinks I'm sad or worried but I'm just fighting with myself and the thought of her moaning my name. 
I was soon snapped out of my thoughts as i saw zendaya undressing, I didn't fully closed the door so I could perfectly see her . I perfectly knew that it wasn't right to look but I couldn't take mi eyes from her as she unzipped her black dress and let it fall on the ground . She was wearing a black lingerie bra with matching panties .
But the spectacle ended when someone started calling me on the phone and my  ring tone started to sound. I tried to shut it down so she didn't notice me in the door but she turnt around and saw me .

Smut and dirty things won't happen till chapter 3 or 4 , jus warning you .
I swear if I was tom I would have stared too. I don't blame him . I just don't  know how to safe him from this awkward moment
K, 👋
Shoutout to Arielle-fran20008  ❤️❤️

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