Cadet (Part 1)

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Kyoto, Japan...

Kyoto... the oldest city and former capital of Japan... on a typical day, nothing noteworthy happens. Citizens come and go their daily lives, work, play games, go to school, and much, much more things to do. Peaceful lives come and go...

Life was normal... until 5 years ago, life was normal... until a massive ship appeared... filled with aliens. Because of other invasions of these intergalactic intruders, they instinctually expected an invasion, we attacked them.

They have caused mass panic, various military and other personnel attacked them. War almost broke out, until various people and many others appeared.

The Power Rangers.

More specifically, the Alien Rangers, the Space Rangers, Lost Galaxy Rangers, the Lightspeed Rescue Rangers, and the Time Force Rangers. They appeared before all out war broke out, made the warriors of the ship and militaries stop attacking, and put up various peace talks. However...

That was a first step, as recently as a year ago, we have made a much bigger discovery...

The religions and mythologies of the world were revealed to be real.

The discovery happened due to an alien, an Aquitian, becoming missing. Later revealed was that the Aquitian was a diplomatic representative. Because of the disappearance of the alien was thought of as a hate crime, various aliens said humanity must own up. However, we bit back, saying we had no ill intentions toward them. We had no idea what had happened...

Until the Alien Rangers went to area, and discovered something terrifying.

The body of their fallen kind... strewn and mangled... along with her killer.

A young woman with black hair and bat, no, 6 bat wings from her back, holding a sword-


A sudden shout caused a young man jolt in his seat, his notebook flying into the air, only to land, and subsequently hit, on his head, earning both a groan from him, laughter from the rest of his class, and a glare from their teacher/mentor.

"Cadet Hyoudou, if you stop muttering in my class, can you answer this question?" The teacher looked at Hyoudou.


"Good. Now, what is the name of the base of the Wild Force Rangers?" Hyoudou blanched at the question.

"U-um... it wouldn't happen to be the Animaria, would it?" His question was answered by laughter and a glare.

"Close, but not quite. It is the Animarium. We have been over this. Detention for 2 hours next Saturday. You better be there." The teacher added a glare to emphasize his point.

Hyoudou just looked down as the rest of the class laughed more, until the teacher slammed a book, heavy duty, down on the desk. Hard.

"ENOUGH! I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS BEHAVIOR TOWARDS ANOTHER CADET! IF YOU ALL WANT TO BE LIKE THAT, YOU WILL HAVE DETENTION AS WELL, ALONG WITH COMMUNITY SERVICE! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!" The Teacher added a much more poisonous glare at them. The result was instantaneous, as the class immediately shut up, some even paled at the tone and voice of him.

After a few seconds, a bell rung indicating the end of the class. As the class slowly went off to do whatever they have to do, Hyoudou went up towards the teacher.

"U-um, sir… I uh, wanna-"

"No, Hyoudou… look, I know about today, but please don't put it over your duties." He looked sympathetic, but still having a hard look at Hyoudou.

"Sorry sir…"

"Just, look, can you go now? I need to calculate something." With that, Hyoudou exited the classroom, leaving the teacher.

[Line Break]

We see Hyoudou walking down a road to his house. Due to an… incident, he has to live by himself now. Because of that, he became bankrupt when his bank account was closed down due to the depts he had to keep paying. He would've become homeless had not for the help from a few… certain… individuals.

As Hyoudou entered his home, he began to hear someone screaming, and a sudden flaming female form suddenly ran out of the kitchen area.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! FIRE! FIRE-" Her sudden shouts of being burned were silenced when Hyoudou splashed her with a cold bucket of water. "AH! COLD!"

"Raynare. What the hell happened?" Hyoudou addressed the female, now known as Raynare, as she lied down on the floor. Her black, silky hair is now burned at the bottom, and her purple eyes were in shock. Her clothes, or burned remains, now barely covered her smooth, curvy body and her black lingerie.

"Thanks, Issei- wait, when did you get here?!" Raynare's eyes suddenly filled with fear. Both for her reputation, and her life.

"Ray. What did you do?" Hyoudou, or now Issei, glared at her as she shook like a leaf in wind.

"U-um… Issei, look, there's a simple explanation…" Raynare slowly tried to crawl away from Issei due to fear. Key word, tried.

Suddenly, she felt an excruciating pain in her ankle and a painful sounding Ccrrakk! "Raynare. Don't you remember we're on a tight, tight, budget." Raynare shook a bit from the tone Issei used.

"O-o-okay, Ise…" Raynare slowly limped away to the couch, or as we will refer it readers, some cardboard arranged into the shape of a couch with some shitty pillows acting as cushions.

"Ray, I know you can just heal from that. Stop trying to make me fuck you." Issei's left eye twitched. As he left to examine the extent of damage to his kitchen, Raynare huffed as she pulled out a small glass bottle, and, after opening it, drank it's contents. After a few seconds, her broken ankle began to heal, quick.

After testing if she can walk normally, she can, Raynare went over to Issei as we see the kitchen was burned as hell. The cabinets were smoking and charred, the windows were blackened, and so many more were burned. Issei was massaging his eyes as he walked away to his bedroom.

"Raynare… just… just leave me alone for today. Don't disturb me for school, or anything else." Issei locked his room as he started to lose his feeling of life for that day.


"Come on, Issei!"


We see Issei, currently age 7, running towards his father, who was wearing the *****_******_*****-***

"D-Dad?" Issei slowly backed away as his father and his mother, who was the *****-*******, teleported away.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Issei looked around as-


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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