Chapter Three

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WARNING: This chapter includes sexual assault

Athima was truly grateful that Aerell had delivered the love letter from Mavael. It was left under her pillow—a sealed lilac envelope with rose petals littered inside. The sentiment was so romantic, she was reeling.

She reread the note many times that night as she lay in bed. Her toes curled from the excitement. Mavael's letter was rather explicit—it was a piece from a romance novel he was writing. Athima stripped out of her under garments and pulled her blanket up to her chest. She imagined what it would be like to make love to him.


As the day went on, Athima continued to work on her chores. Sweeping the floors, dusting the furniture, making the beds, washing the laundry—it was a never ending task. As boring as it was, there were always worse jobs she could be doing.

By the end of the day, her father's guests had finally begun to arrive. Another day, another one of Taman's stupid parties. Athima was prepared for all the uncomfortable gawking she would endure that night. She just wished Aerell would be there to keep her company—her younger sister never learned how to behave at parties.

Lucky for Athima, Mavael attended. He was dressed in leather pants and a wool shirt—not very good party attire. But it didn't matter, she was just happy to see him. A small smile formed at the corner of his lips as he saw her. Her heart melted in her chest at the sight.

It took too long for them to be able to appear in the same room without drawing attention. Athima stood next to a few warriors, pretending to listen to their jokes. Mavael joined the conversation, his eyes lingering on her. These moments—as few as they were—were all they had. She studied his features as if she'd never see him again. The subtle curve of his lips, his harsh, unforgiving brows. He was certainly a handsome male.

     "Where is that young sister of yours?" One of the warriors asked her. Laras, she realized. He seemed to have a strange infatuation with Aerell—always following her around, and showing up at the shop. Aerell never seemed to notice, which worried Athima a great deal.

"I have no idea," Athima answered with an unkind expression. "I am not her keeper."

"I think she left," Mavael said. Athima quickly shot him a glare.

     "Any chance you know where she went?" Laras asked Mavael. He didn't bother with niceties. The latter shook his head and found somewhere else to be. "What a pathetic waste-"

Athima quickly strode away before she could do something she would most certainly regret. Later in the evening, she met Mavael in a corner. She casually stood next to him, pretending to be engaged in the conversation going on just mere inches away. Instead, she was stealing glances and letting her fingertips brush against Mavael's arm.


Aerell left the party early, her mind still lingering on the handsome male with those hazel eyes. She wondered if she'd ever see him again. It wouldn't matter either way, for her father surely would never let her go. She was trapped by the lust of a greedy man, who only wished to see others suffer. There was no way out.

     The sound of footsteps followed her. Aerell swiftly turned to face a sweet faced Laras. He approached her with graceful steps, his warm smile never faltering. "You're not at Taman's party," he said, sounding a little disappointed.

Aerell shook her head, continuing on the trail ahead. Laras followed. His arm came up for her to take, so she kindly wrapped herself in his strong grip. As they walked, he seemed to pull her closer inch by inch.

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